hors de combat

hors de combat Adj. (from French) unable to fight or to take part in an activity, especially because you are injured; unable to continue fighting because one is wounded 因受傷而不能繼續戰鬥的; 喪失戰鬥力的[@more@]

Example sentence:

With their best pitcher hors de combat with a shoulder injury, the team faced a bleak season.

I can't play you at squash this week I'm hors de combat with a twisted ankle. 本星期我不能和你打壁球了--我的腳踝扭傷了.

This was a sort of "rear hospital" where those who had been put hors de combat at the front came to sit and pant. 這裡就好比後方病院似的,只有從戰線上敗退下來的人們才坐在這裡喘氣。

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