From askTom
Hi Tom, I am in a situation to define a primary key values. My primary value contains data in the following format.. 100020051225000001 Here the first 4 digits represent site id (1000) Second set of 8 digits represent Date in YYYYMMDD (20051225) the last 6 digits represent transaction # (0000001) This is my requirement. Now I have a question 1.Which data type is best suitable ? Varchar2 or Number ? I heard that number search is fast when compared to character. But if I define number, it takes 21 bytes where as if I define char it takes 18 bytes. [Looks char takes less than number] 2.In fact I would like to define it as follows with numeric data type 100020051225.000001 In this case, the transaction id is the value after decimal. If I define the column as NUMBER and data as said above, what are disadvantages and advantages? The reason why I am looking for this choice is that, in future if the transaction value goes beyond 6 digits or site id goes beyond 4 digits, I donot need to worry. But I need to look for the space and performance relates issues. I feel you are the best person for this to answer and I am sure you are the right choice :) Please brief the following considerations in this case. 1.Space 2.Performance What is your best suggestion? -Naveen |
意思就是說,有一個表上的關鍵字需要有三部分組成:site id,日期和事務號,問題的提出者想問的是,如何設計這個關鍵字為字元型或者是數值型能夠達到最優的效果,當然他從存放的空間多少和效能上考慮這個問題。
One would say "why isn't this three fields as it should be?" That isn't a requirement you've specified, that is a design decision you have made that you *might* well want to reconsider. Site_id - number transaction_date DATE <<== it is after all a DATE!!!! transaction_id number Forget space and everything, this is about data. I can imagine wanting to do things like partition by site.... partition or subpartition by date.... And all of your concerns by transaction id going beyond 6 digits - not a problem. I will be very repetitive in my followups to this. You want three attributes. They should be a number, date, number Never put multiple attributes into a single column. |
從以前我經理的專案上看到很多這樣的情況,由於設計的問題給以後效能上產生了很大的影響,Tom說的這種方式我認為很好,給以後的系統的最佳化,SQL的書寫,索引的建立等提供很多的方便。同時引申一下,在以前接觸的專案中有的專案為了省心或者方便,將一個表設計很複雜,一個表有幾十列,甚至是上百列,而且很多業務同時使用這個表上的列,這樣就造成了,這個系統的最佳化的極為複雜性。希望以後引以為戒。來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/222350/viewspace-909444/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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