Restrictions on Altering Temporary Tables

You can modify, drop columns from, or
rename a temporary table. However, for a temporary table you cannot:
■ Add columns of nested table type. You can add columns of other types.
■ Specify referential integrity (foreign key) constraints for an added or modified
■ Specify the following clauses of the LOB_storage_clause for an added or
modified LOB column: TABLESPACE, storage_clause, logging_clause,
allocate_extent_clause, or deallocate_unused_clause.
■ Specify the physical_attributes_clause, nested_table_col_
properties, parallel_clause, allocate_extent_clause, deallocate_
unused_clause, or any of the index-organized table clauses.
■ Exchange partitions between a partition and a temporary table.
■ Specify the logging_clause.
■ Specify MOVE.[@more@]

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
