

dbschema 實用程式列印複製指定表、檢視或資料庫所需的 SQL 語句。它還顯示 UPDATE STATISTICS 語句建立的分發。

可以將 dbschema 實用程式用於以下用途:

顯示 SQL 語句(模式),這是複製資料庫或特定表、檢視、同義詞、序列或過程所必需的。
顯示 Information Schema 檢視的模式

使用 dbschema 實用程式可以增加資料庫中的序列物件,而在生成的數字中建立間隔則可能不是那些需要序列化整數的應用程式所期望的。

使用 dbschema 且只指定了資料庫名稱時,等價於使用帶所有選項(除了 -hd 和 -ss 選項)的 dbschema。另外,如果為資料庫建立了“資訊模式”檢視,則將顯示此模式。例如:以下兩個命令是等價的:

dbschema -d stores_demo
dbschema -s all -p all -t all -f all -d stores_demo

dbschema -s all -p all -t all -f all -d stores_demo -ss stores.sql

[informix@test ~]$ dbschema

DBSCHEMA Database Schema UtilityINFORMIX-SQL Version 10.00.UC4
Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2004 All rights reserved
Software Serial Number AAA#B000000


dbschema [-q] [-t tabname] [-s user] [-p user] [-r rolename] [-f procname]
[-hd tabname] -d dbname [-w passwd] [-seq sequence] [-l [num]]
[-u [ia] udtname [all]] [-it [Type]] [-ss [-si]] [filename]

-q Suppress the db version from header

-t table name or "all" for all tables

-s synonyms created by user name
or "all" for all users

-p permissions granted to user name
or "all" for all users

-r create and grant of the role
or "all" for all roles :Not a valid option for SE

-f SPL routine name
or "all" for all SPL routines

-hd Histograms of the distribution for columns of
of a specified table, a specific table column,
or "all" for all tables.

-d database name

-w database password

-seq generate sequence specific syntax

-u Prints the definitions of user-defined data types

-ui Prints the definitions of user-defined data types,
including type inheritance

-ua Prints the definitions of user-defined data types,
including all functions and casts defined over a type

-u all Directs dbschema to include all the tables
in the display of distributions

-it Type of isolation can be DR, CR, CS or RR

-l set lock mode to wait [number] optional

-ss generate server specific syntax

-si excludes the generation of index storage clauses for
non-fragmented tables

filename is the name
of file that the SQL
script goes in.

[informix@test ~]$

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