informix onbar 備份失敗Archive API processing failed at line 258 for rc.
2008-03-25 12:25:42 16841 16839 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d -b -L 0
2008-03-25 12:25:43 16841 16839 Archive started on rootdbs, llogdbs, plogdbs, datadbs01, datadbs02, fstempdbs, indexdbs01 (Requested Level 0).
2008-03-25 12:25:46 16841 16839 Unable to start the storage space backup: buc_fe.c : Archive API processing failed at line 258 for rc.
2008-03-25 12:25:46 16841 16839 Archive on rootdbs, llogdbs, plogdbs, datadbs01, datadbs02, fstempdbs, indexdbs01 ABORTED (Requested Level 0).
2008-03-25 12:25:56 16841 16839 /home/informix/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 131 (0x83)
Error: Archive failed - buc_fe.c : Archive API processing failed at line 258 for rc
Technote (FAQ)
This article describes a known issue when taking an ontape archive.
When you run an ontape command in order to perform an archive, you receive the error message:
Archive failed - buc_fe.c : Archive API processing failed at line 258 for rc
The following products and operating systems are affected:
Product Name Product Version(s)
IBM Informix? Dynamic Server? 9.40.xC7 and earlier
10.00.xC4 and earlier
x can be T, U, H, or F depending on your operating system.
This is a known product defect. The defect number is 175568 .
Important: This is only one possible cause of the problem. If this document does not provide you with a solution to your problem, you should search for other documents that refer to this topic.
Contact your local technical support office for an upgrade.
If you have Then request
IBM Informix? Dynamic Server?
9.40.xC7 and earlier
IBM Informix? Dynamic Server?
9.40.xC8 or later
IBM Informix? Dynamic Server?
10.00.xC4 and earlier
IBM Informix? Dynamic Server?
10.00.xC5 or later
x can be T, U, H, or F depending on your operating system.
13:03:08 Results: Unused temp tables and/or deferred indexes may remain
13:03:08 Action: Cleanup will be reattempted during next initialization
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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