HMC不能open terminal windows的解決方法之一





新到HMC 7310-CR4,跟原來的7310-C03有些不同,主要是外觀直接就是顯示xServer 3550,本地只有一個SATA硬碟。


在重灌之前,碰到不能開啟終端視窗的問題。選擇open terminal windows時,顯示:
Open in progress
Open completed。

第二種:使用smitty更改console為vty0(已經設定login enable),還是老樣子。



AIX Console (HMC vterm) not working with new System p server

Technote (troubleshooting)

System p is newly attached to a hardware management console (HMC) and the server property for manufactoring default configuration (MDC) is false. The vterm console works in hardware mode (i.e. SMS and for displaying hardware parameters when lpar is activating). However, the vterm does not display login prompt after AIX has been booted.


AIX was installed on system p server when it was attached to an async console prior to attaching system to HMC.

Resolving the problem
To reconfigure the AIX's console device to use the new hardware connection you will need to do the following:
Either telnet (or SSH) into the server if networking had been configured or boot into a maintenance shell and run following procedure.

The procedure will completely remove vty0, vsa0 (and any other vty or vsa device) and syscons objects from the ODM and allow them to be recreated by AIX when system reboots.

Once telneted in or in a maintenance shell, as root execute the following:
# odmdelete -q name=vty0 -o CuDv
# odmdelete -q name=vty0 -o CuDv
# odmdelete -q name=vsa0 -o CuDv
# odmdelete -q name=vsa1 -o CuDv
# odmdelete -q attribute=syscons -o CuAt
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice # sync
When system comes up it should reconfigure vsa0 and vty0 and since we removed "syscons" from ODM it should prompt you to select a terminal. This time, the only device connected for a console should be the HMC's vterm.

You should messages similar to following when LPAR is booting back up:
******* Please define the System Console.*********

Type a 1 and press Enter to use this terminal as the system console.



At this point you should see AIX console output being displayed in the HMC vterm.

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