Objectives of the Relational Model
- To provide a high degree of data independence.
- To provide a community view of the data of spartan(嚴格的) simplicity, so that a wide variety of users in an enterrprise, ranging from the most computer-naive to the most computer-sophiscated, can interact with a common model(while not prohibiting superimposed user views for specialized purposes).
- To simplify the potentially formidable(困難的) job of the DBA.
- To introduce a theoretical foundation (albeit(雖然) modest) into database management(a field sadly lacking in solid principle and guidelines).
- To merge the fact-retrieval and file-management fields in preparation for the addition at a later time of inferential(推論的) services in the commercial world.
- To lift database application programming to a new level - a level in which sets (and more specifically relations) are treated as operands instead of being processed element by element.
內容摘自C. J. Date的書Database In Depth, 其引用的是E. F. Codd 1974年的文章--Recent Investigation into Relational Data Base Systems中的內容。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/37724/viewspace-152611/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 論文翻譯:Extracting Relational Facts by an End-to-End Neural Model with Copy Mechanism
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