To Regina, the love of my life…
Every person has a partner somewhere in the world who completes them perfectly.
A partner in life is finer than gold, more pleasing than success, sweeter than any words.
Greater than gold is this beautiful rose.
Greater than success is the path on the road less traveled.
Greater than praise is lasting character.
Gold glistens, but is of little refuge on a cold Chicago night.
Success is enticing, but its promises ring empty without the right person to share it with.
Praise is shallow unless it comes from the person who matters most to you.
The world offers many outwardly shiny things that prove hollow on the inside.
A partner gives you the strength to be successful when you want to give up.
It’s the person who believes in you when the world gives up on you.
It’s the person who walks in when the world walks out.
For me that person was always and is always Regina!
Regina is Finer than Gold, Sweeter than Praise, and Truer than Success.
She is worth more to me than the world can ever offer.
Yet she makes me a better person, and I achieve everything that I can offer the world.
Surely my cup overflowed the day I met her!
Regina is that one person in the world who completes me.
She is my helper in life and like a precious rose, she’s absolutely beautiful.
She’s all I ever needed in the world and is the love of my life.
Regina is still the greatest person I know in the world.
I am one of the lucky ones in the world; my partner in life is right by my side.
I love you, Regina, with all my heart!
-------Richard J. Niemiec,Oracle Database 10g Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques
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