基於WinSNMP的網路管理程式設計----原理與實踐(摘要) (轉)

基於WinSNMP的網路管理程式設計----原理與實踐(摘要) (轉)[@more@]


隨著的發展,越來越成為人們所關心和研究的熱門課題。簡單網路管理(SNMP)作為協議簇的一部分,已成為網路管理事實上的標準,有著極為廣泛的應用。系列操作是當今PC機上最為流行的平臺。Windows為基於SNMP的網路管理的開發提供了一套介面,即WinSNMP API。
本文重點介紹了SNMP在Windows下的實現。我們採用了WinSNMP API。介紹了WinSNMP的基本概念,以及基本程式設計。最後結合本課題介紹了幾個在WinSNMP程式設計中應該注意的問題。

網路管理  簡單網路管理協議(SNMP)  管理資訊庫(MIB) 
管理資訊結構(SMI)  協議資料單元(PDU)  WinSNMP  非同步模式 
專家系統  基於的網路管理



With the rapid development of computerwork, Network Management has been the pop problem that peoples concern and research. As a part of the TCP/protocol stack, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a virtual standard of Network Management, and broadly applied. Windows family operating system is the most pop operating system platfoin PC. Windows supplies a set of API interface for the development of Network Management System based on SNMP, that is WinSNMP API.
This article firstly introduces some basic concepts about Network Management and its function requirement, then the protocol standard of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and related Management Information Base (MIB), Structure of Management Information (SMI), ASN.1 syntax, then the evolution of SNMP (SNMPv2, SNMPv3).
This article emphasis on the implementation of SNMP under Windows operating system. We adopt WinSNMP. We introduce some basic concepts about WinSNMP programming, and WinSNMP basic programming paradigm. At last we specify several problems that should be careful of in WinSNMP programming based on my Network Management system.
Finally, this article describes the development trend and technique foreground of Network Management Software, and introduces several pop Network Management Systems for example.




Network Management  Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP)
Management Information Base(MIB)  Protocol Data Unit(PDU)
Structure of Management Information(SMI)  WinSNMP
Asynchronous Model  Expert System  Network Management based on WEB


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