About. Compatibility

From Tom[@more@]Submitted on 11-Oct-2012 9:48 Central time zone
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Last updated 11-Oct-2012 17:01

You Asked


We are moving from older version of Oracle to new verion The DBA's want to load on dev and set compatibility to 10. whatever. then put on production and set compability tha same. After this is working they want to increase compaibilty to 11.2 in dev and if it works out, they will do the same on production. They want to do the same for the 11.1 databases already in use. What is your thought on this process?

and we said...

compatible will control what features are you able to use. For example - if you were moving from 10.x to 11.2 - and left compatible at 10 - you would not be able to use the new OLTP compression feature - until compatible was set to 11.2.

So, if all you do is upgrade, compatible will have no effect on your life at all. You won't be using anything new that requires compatible to be set higher. So it would be perfectly OK to leave it at 10.

Further, if they set it to 11.2 right away - there would be no chance of ever downgrading the database. So, it would be a safer option - it gives you more options.

so, it sounds "sound" to me. by leaving it at 10, they have the option of downgrading if need be. and since you are only upgrading - not introducing anything new that would need compatible to be higher - it is fine for everyone.

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