深入SQL之 insert all

深入SQL之 insert all
INSERT ALL WHEN ottl 100000 and ottl 290000 THEN INTO special_orders SELECT o.order_id oid, o.customer_id cid, o.order_total ottl, o.sales_rep_id sid, c.credit_limit cl, c.cust_email cem FROM orders o, customers c WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;

Finally, the next example uses the FIRST clause to put orders greater than 2,900,000 into the special_orders table and exclude those orders from the large_orders table:

INSERT FIRST WHEN ottl 100000 and ottl 200000 THEN INTO large_orders VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid) SELECT o.order_id oid, o.customer_id cid, o.order_total ottl, o.sales_rep_id sid, c.credit_limit cl, c.cust_email cem FROM orders o, customers c WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;

下面的是first插 special_orders,large_orders不再插入重複資料:p

aaa 評論於:2007.04.11 10:57

引文來源  王旺的書房 | 深入SQL之 insert all

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