DB_NAME Initialization Parameter (87)


DB_NAME must be set to a text string of no more than eight characters. During database
creation, the name provided for DB_NAME is recorded in the datafiles, redo log files,
and control file of the database. If during database instance startup the value of the
DB_NAME parameter (in the parameter file) and the database name in the control file
are not the same, the database does not start.

初始化引數 : DB_NAME
1. 需要是少於8個字元的文字串
2. 該引數記錄在資料檔案, 重做日誌檔案 和控制檔案中
3. 如果例項啟動時該引數值(初始化引數檔案中)與控制檔案中資料庫名稱不相同 , 資料庫


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