Message "This Database is currently being used by someone else. In order to share a Notes database,

資料庫目前正由其他人使用為共享 NOTES 資料庫所有使用者都必須使用一個 DOMINO 伺服器而不是檔案伺服器

Message "This Database is currently being used by someone else. In order to share a Notes database, all users must use a Domino Server instead of a File Server"



(Get it from Lotus Domino Administrator 6.5.1Help)


The number of times a user/server opened a database that was not already being used by another user/server. For example, if a user opens a mail file while it is being used by the Replicator, this number does not increase. Compare this number to Database.DbCache.Hits to gauge the effectiveness of the cache.


(Get from


In order to get rid of this problem, one can type the command "dbcache flush" at lotus server console. This message used to come due to use of the particular database by another user/process.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
