為什麼要學習設計模式(Design Patterns) - 軟體設計大師之路 (轉)
以下比喻摘自Douglas Schmidt, n翻譯.
知識的模式(Patterns of Learning)
事實上, 教育的一個重要目標就是把知識的模式一代一代傳下去.
* 首先學習規則和必要條件
例如, 棋子的名稱, 合法的棋子移動, 棋盤的幾何形狀和方向等
* 然後學習原理
例如某一種棋子的相對價值, 中心格的戰略價值, 威脅的強度等
* 然而要成為象棋大師, 你必須要學習其他大師下過的棋局
* 有很多種這樣的模式(patterns)
* 首先學習規則
例如演算法, 資料結構和軟體語言
* 然後學習原理
例如結構化, 模組化程式設計, 面向程式設計, 泛程式設計(general programming)等
* 但是要真正的精通軟體設計, 你必須學習其他大師級的設計
* 有很多種這樣的模式(patterns)
Patterns of Learning
Succesul solutions to many areas of human endeavor are deeply ed in patternsIn fact, an important goal of education is transmitting patterns of learning
from generation to generation
Below, we'll explore how patterns are used to learn chess
Learning to develop good software is similar to learning to play good chess
Becoming a Chess Master
1) First learn rules and physical requirementse.g., names of pieces, legal movements, chess board geometry and orientation, etc. 2) Then learn principles
e.g., relative value of certain pieces, strategic value of center squares, power of a threat, etc.
3) However, to become a master of chess, one must study the games of other masters
These games contain patterns that must be understood, memorized, and applied repeatedly
4) There are hundreds of these patterns
Becoming a Software Design Master
First learn the rules
e.g., the algorithms, data structures and languages of software
Then learn the principles
e.g., structured programming, modular programming, oriented programming, generic programming, etc.
However, to truly master software design,one must study the designs of other masters
These designs contain patterns must be understood, memorized, and applied repeatedly
There are hundreds of these patterns
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