Close the Database by Terminating the Instance (304)


In rare emergency situations, you can terminate the instance of an open database to
close and completely shut down the database instantaneously. This process is fast,
because the operation of writing all data in the buffers of the SGA to the datafiles and
redo log files is skipped. The subsequent reopening of the database requires recovery,
which Oracle performs automatically.

1. 在緊急情況下,可以終止一個處於開啟狀態的資料庫的例項,以便立即關閉並完全停止一個資料庫
2. 這個過程很快,因為將 SGA 內各緩衝區的資料寫入資料檔案和重做日誌檔案的步驟被省略了
3. 資料庫重新開啟的時候 Oracle 將自動地執行恢復操作


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