How Oracle Net Services Works (281)


Oracle’s support of industry network protocols provides an interface between Oracle
processes running on the database server and the user processes of Oracle applications
running on other computers of the network.

The Oracle protocols take SQL statements from the interface of the Oracle applications
and package them for transmission to Oracle through one of the supported
industry-standard higher level protocols or programmatic interfaces. The protocols
also take replies from Oracle and package them for transmission to the applications
through the same higher level communications mechanism. This is all done
independently of the network operating system.

Depending on the operation system that runs Oracle, the Oracle Net Services software
of the database server could include the driver software and start an additional Oracle
background process.

Oracle 網路協議能夠接收 Oracle 應用程式透過介面提交的 SQL語句,進行封裝後利用更高階別的標
準網路協議或程式介面傳輸給 Oracle 伺服器。Oracle網路協議還能夠從伺服器接收回復,並採用相同


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