Views with the Prefix DBA (269)


Views with the prefix DBA show a global view of the entire database. Synonyms are
not created for these views, because DBA views should be queried only by
administrators. Therefore, to query the DBA views, administrators must prefix the view
name with its owner, SYS, as in the following:
SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM SYS.DBA_OBJECTS;

Oracle recommends that you implement data dictionary protection to prevent users
having the ANY system privileges from using such privileges on the data dictionary. If
you enable dictionary protection (O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is false), then
access to objects in the SYS schema (dictionary objects) is restricted to users with the
SYS schema. These users are SYS and those who connect as SYSDBA.

1. 以 DBA 為字首的檢視能夠展現整個資料庫的全部內容。不應在這些檢視上建立同義詞,因為以
DBA 為前
2. Oracle 建議管理員對資料字典的訪問加以控制,防止擁有 ANY
3. 管理員可以開啟資料字典保護功能(將 O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY 設為
SYS 方案的使用者才能訪問資料字典物件 ,這樣的使用者只有 SYS,及以 SYSDBA 登入的使用者


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