Dependencies Among Other Remote Schema Objects (255)


Oracle does not manage dependencies among remote schema objects other than
local-procedure-to-remote-procedure dependencies.

For example, assume that a local view is created and defined by a query that
references a remote table. Also assume that a local procedure includes a SQL statement
that references the same remote table. Later, the definition of the table is altered.

As a result, the local view and procedure are never invalidated, even if the view or
procedure is used after the table is altered, and even if the view or procedure now
returns errors when used. In this case, the view or procedure must be altered manually
so that errors are not returned. In such cases, lack of dependency management is
preferable to unnecessary recompilations of dependent objects.

2. 這種情況下,必須手工修改檢視或過程的定義才能避免錯誤發生。


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