Java Developer's Journal 2003 Readers' Choice Awards提名(1) (轉)
1) Best Book:
/readerschoice/tiny.cfm?id=241" target=picture>About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas--com::office" />
Wiley Publishing
O'Reilly & Asciates
Prentice Hall PTR
s First with Java - A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ"
Prentice Hall
LOGIC Server for Dummies
Wiley Publishing
Wiley Publishing
Wrox Press
Wrox Press
O'Reilly & Associates
Hungry Minds
Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies
Prentice Hall PTR
Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
: Mastering the Standard Tag Library
Prentice Hall PTR
Addison-Wesley Professional
Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML
Addison Wesley
Prentice Hall PTR
O'Reilly & Associates
Wrox Press
ing Exposed J2EE & Java
Wiley Publishing
Wrox Press
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
Wiley Publishing
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
Prentice Hall PTR
, Fourth Edition
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
O'Reilly & Associates
Prentice Hall PTR
3.0 Deployment and Administration Handbook
Wrox Press
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Manning Publications Co.
Wiley Publishing
beans: The Definitive Guide
O'Reilly & Associates
JDBC Programming
Oracle Press
JDeveloper Handbook
Addison-Wesley Professional
Addison-Wesley Publishing
5.0 Application Server
Wrox Press
Wrox Press
Wrox Press
O'Reilly & Associates
Prentice Hall PTR
Addison-Wesley Professional
Prentice Hall PTR
Addison-Wesley Publishing
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