Security Authorizations (247)


Oracle notices when a DML object or system privilege is granted to or revoked from a
user or PUBLIC and automatically invalidates all the owner’s dependent objects.
Oracle invalidates the dependent objects to verify that an owner of a dependent object
continues to have the necessary privileges for all referenced objects. Internally, Oracle
notes that such objects do not have to be recompiled. Only security authorizations
need to be validated, not the structure of any objects. This optimization eliminates
unnecessary recompilations and prevents the need to change a dependent object’s time

1. 當對某個物件賦予或者收回許可權時 ,依賴物件被置為失效物件
2. Oracle 會驗證使用者的依賴物件是否具備必要的許可權來訪問所需的引用物件 ,並認為此類無效物件不需要重新編譯


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
