Compilation of Views and PL/SQL Program Units (242)


A view or PL/SQL program unit can be compiled and made valid if the following
conditions are satisfied:
■ The definition of the view or program unit must be correct. All of the SQL and
PL/SQL statements must be proper constructs.

■ All referenced objects must be present and of the expected structure. For example,
if the defining query of a view includes a column, the column must be present in
the base table.

■ The owner of the view or program unit must have the necessary privileges for the
referenced objects. For example, if a SQL statement in a procedure inserts a row
into a table, the owner of the procedure must have the INSERT privilege for the
referenced table.

1. 檢視或 PL/SQL 程式結構的定義必須正確。SQL 及 PL/SQL 語句的語法結構必須正確
2. 所有引用物件及其結構必須滿足定義的要求
3. 檢視或 PL/SQL 程式結構的所有者必須具備訪問引用物件的許可權


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