10g awr與statspack區別



Oracle Database 10 genhances the data collection mechanism with the introduction of the Automatic Workload Repository and Active Session History, which replace the previous performance data gathering tools such as Statspack and utlbstat/utlestat. The major differences between the current repositories from previous such tools include the following:

■ Earlier tools had no automated way of interpreting the collected data and results produced by supplied reports. The raw data and the formatted output from the Statspack tool required manual interpretation.
■ There is no proactive monitoring in the earlier tools. The DBA could tune the database or solve the problem only after its occurrence. The Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM) tool in Oracle Database 10 g, detects a problem before it strikes and advises possible solutions.

■ ADDM works at a fine-grained level to detect problems at the database segment level. For example, if there is a hot block or hot object causing performance problems, ADDM identifies the object and provides tuning advice, while this information would not be directly captured in Statspack report.
■ Problems such as excessive logins and logoffs, ITL waits, and RAC-related service issues were not captured in the Statspack report, but ADDM captures this information and offers tuning advice.


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