Overview of Application Domain Indexes (237)


Oracle provides extensible indexing to accommodate indexes on customized complex
datatypes such as documents, spatial data, images, and video clips and to make use of
specialized indexing techniques. With extensible indexing, you can encapsulate
application-specific index management routines as an indextype schema object and
define a domain index (an application-specific index) on table columns or attributes of
an object type. Extensible indexing also provides efficient processing of
application-specific operators.

The application software, called the cartridge, controls the structure and content of a
domain index. The Oracle database server interacts with the application to build,
maintain, and search the domain index. The index structure itself can be stored in the
Oracle database as an index-organized table or externally as a file.

1. 依據使用者複雜的資料型別(文件,空間檔案等)而支援的可擴充套件的索引
2. 域索引既能夠以索引表的形式儲存在 Oracle 資料庫中,也能夠以檔案的形式儲存在資料庫外。


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