methods: ledger solution and account solution.[@more@]
With mySAP ERP parallel accounting can be achieved by one of two different
methods: In the general ledger, you can maintain several parallel ledgers
(General ledgers) to meet several accounting principles. In this case, the
data for the accounting principle relevant for the consolidated financial
statements should be maintained in the leading ledger of the general
ledger. The system always treats parallel ledgers as complete ledgers in
this case, that is, all postings without valuation (GAAP) difference are
posted into the leading and into the non-leading ledgers in the respective
company code. Valuation postings which are only valid for a specific GAAP
should be posted only into the dedicated ledger set up for that GAAP. This
method of accounting is called the ledger solution in the following
sections and should not be confused with the special ledger solution which
existed up to now ina separate component to the
General Ledger. The ledger solution is integrated into the new general
ledger of mySAP ERP. An alternative method of accounting for various
accounting principles is the posting to specific G/L accounts called the
account solution in the following sections. Postings without valuation GAAP
differences occur on common accounts. The postings specific for the
relevant alternative acocunting principles are subsequently posted to
special accounts for these GAAPs. The external reporting displays all
account balances of the respective accounting principle by means of the
corresponding account selection (common accounts + specific accounts). In
addition to the above-mentioned prerequisites the following points can help
with the decision regarding which method to implement.
In this case, it has to be stressed that SAP generally considers the
ledger solution and the account solution as equal.
o The standard reporting is available to you for both solutions.
o The scenarion of the solution is recommended if
o your paralled accounting is likely to have many valuation
o the number of the G/L accounts would not be manageable anymore with
o the use of additional accounts.
Advantages of the ledger solution are:
o You maintain a separate ledger for every accounting principle
o You can use different fiscal year variants in this scenario
o The number of G/L acocunts is manageable
Disadvantages of the ledger solution are:
o The data volume increases due to the other ledgers.
In particular, the account solution scenario is particularly attractive if
you have worked with the account solution before, are familiar with it and
the number of the additionally required G/L accounts is acceptable for you.
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