$ORACLE_HOME/bin 下的utilities 解釋windows
Executable First Available Description
----------------- ------------------- --------------------------
dbsnmp.exe 8.1.5 Intelligent Agent
dbsnmpj.exe 8.1.5 Intelligent Agent Job Processor (nothing to do with Java or JRE)
encaps.exe Default in 9.0.1 SNMP encapsulation agent
Custom in 8i and below
encsvc.exe Default in 9.0.1 SNMP encapsulation service
Custom in 8i and below
launch.exe 8 Java code launcher
launchem.exe 8 Enterprise Manager Launcher
ocopy.exe (7.3.4) File copy utility
OMSNTsrv.exe 9.2.0 Oracle Management Server
omtsreco.exe 9.0.1 MTS Recovery
OO4OCODEWIZ.EXE 9.2.0 Oracle Objects for OLE Code Wizard
OracleAdNetConnect.exe 8.1.7 MFC Application
OracleAdNetTest.exe 9.0.1 MFC Application
oradim.exe (7.3.4) Manages oracle instances
orakill.exe (7.3.4) Process killer
oramts_deinst.exe 9.2.0 Unknown
Orastack.exe (7.3.4) Modifies stack RAM
Pagntsrv.exe 9.0.1 OEM Paging Server
tdvapp.exe 9.0.1 Trace Data Viewer
VDOShell.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
vmq.exe 9.0.1 SQL Analyze
Vtushell.exe 9.0.1 OEM Index Tuning Wizard
xpautune.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
xpcoin.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
xpksh.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert Command Shell
xpui.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
Executable First Available Description
----------------- ------------------- --------------------------
dbsnmp.exe 8.1.5 Intelligent Agent
dbsnmpj.exe 8.1.5 Intelligent Agent Job Processor (nothing to do with Java or JRE)
encaps.exe Default in 9.0.1 SNMP encapsulation agent
Custom in 8i and below
encsvc.exe Default in 9.0.1 SNMP encapsulation service
Custom in 8i and below
launch.exe 8 Java code launcher
launchem.exe 8 Enterprise Manager Launcher
ocopy.exe (7.3.4) File copy utility
OMSNTsrv.exe 9.2.0 Oracle Management Server
omtsreco.exe 9.0.1 MTS Recovery
OO4OCODEWIZ.EXE 9.2.0 Oracle Objects for OLE Code Wizard
OracleAdNetConnect.exe 8.1.7 MFC Application
OracleAdNetTest.exe 9.0.1 MFC Application
oradim.exe (7.3.4) Manages oracle instances
orakill.exe (7.3.4) Process killer
oramts_deinst.exe 9.2.0 Unknown
Orastack.exe (7.3.4) Modifies stack RAM
Pagntsrv.exe 9.0.1 OEM Paging Server
tdvapp.exe 9.0.1 Trace Data Viewer
VDOShell.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
vmq.exe 9.0.1 SQL Analyze
Vtushell.exe 9.0.1 OEM Index Tuning Wizard
xpautune.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
xpcoin.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
xpksh.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert Command Shell
xpui.exe 9.0.1 Oracle Expert
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8570952/viewspace-915445/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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