

Option Explicit
Implements IXDictGrabSink
Private gp As GrabProxy

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set gp = New GrabProxy
With gp
.GrabEnabled = True
.GrabInterval = 30
.GrabMode = XDictGrabMouse
.AdviseGrab Me

End With
End Sub

Private Function IXDictGrabSink_QueryWord(ByVal WordString As String, ByVal lCursorX As Long, ByVal lCursorY As Long, ByVal SentenceString As String, lLoc As Long, lStart As Long) As Long

Label1.Caption = "當前座標:" & "(" & lCursorX & "," & lCursorY & ")"
Label2.Caption = "當前語句:" & SentenceString
Label3.Caption = "當前字元:" & Mid(SentenceString, lLoc + 1, 1)

End Function

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/778857/viewspace-401/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
