sqlnet.ora parameter (2)



Use the parameter NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH to specify the order of the naming
methods used for client name resolution lookups.
tnsnames (local naming naming method) : Set to resolve a net service name through the tnsnames.ora
file on the client.
ldap (directory naming naming method) : Set to resolve a database service name, net service name, or
net service alias through a directory server.
ezconnect or hostname (easy connect naming or host naming method) : Select to enable clients to use
a TCP/IP connect identifier , consisting of a host name and optional port and service name.
cds (CDS external naming method) : Set to resolve an Oracle database name in a Distributed Computing
Environment (DCE) environment.
nis (Network Information Service (NIS) external naming method) : Set to resolve service information
through an existing NIS.

這裡面有很多的網路術語弄不明白 , 大意是透過這個引數的設定 ,順序的為客戶端來解析網路服務名。
tnsnames :從tnsnames.ora中解析服務名
ldap :透過 a directory server 來解析
ezconnect :TCP/IP connect identifier , 由主機名 , 埠號 和服務名組成
cds : Distributed Computing Environment
nis : Network Information Service


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