Overview of Tablespaces (38)
A database is divided into one or more logical storage units called tablespaces.
Tablespaces are divided into logical units of storage called segments, which are further
divided into extents. Extents are a collection of contiguous blocks.
[@more@]來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10599713/viewspace-972491/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 2.5 Overview of Tablespaces and Database Files in a CDBViewDatabase
- Oracle Encrypted TablespacesOracle
- Oracle Transporting TablespacesOracle
- oracle bigfile tablespacesOracle
- How to Move Tablespaces Across Platforms Using Transportable Tablespaces With RMAN [ID 371556.1]ROSPlatform
- Using Multiple Tablespaces (46)
- Transport of Tablespaces Between Databases (59)Database
- Flutter OverviewFlutterView
- Temporary tablespaces in RAC ? Oracle databas...Oracle
- dart class overviewDartView
- Stormstarter-OverviewORMView
- Overview of PartitioningView
- Overview of Database CheckpointsViewDatabase
- Overview of Unix ResourcesView
- oracle function overviewOracleFunctionView
- Item Import OverviewImportView
- Overview of Extents(11)View
- Overview of Partitioned IndexesViewIndex
- Overview of Views (174)View
- Overview of Datafiles (62)View
- Overview of Segments (22)View
- 高通USB overviewView
- Backing Up Individual Tablespaces with RMAN
- Transporting Tablespaces with Self-ContainedAI
- Step 8: Create Additional Tablespaces (66)
- Overview of Availability in a CDBViewAI
- 2.4 Overview of Services in a CDBView
- 7-Overview-namesView
- 8-Overview-NamespacesViewnamespace
- 10-Overview-AnnotationsView
- [英] TensorFlow OverviewView
- Deadlock Overview and DiscussionView
- Overview of Data Blocks(二)ViewBloC
- Overview of Clusters (238)View
- Overview of Tables (154)View
- Overview of Dimensions (191)View
- Overview of Synonyms (193)View
- Overview of Indexes (194)ViewIndex