

各位SAP系統使用者,SAP系統將於2007-12-26 0:00AM2007-12-26 10:00AM期間進行遷移專案,屆時IT部將會對此作出特別安排;

1. SAP生產系統將會在2007-12-26 0:00AM2007-12-26 08:00AM停止服務用於遷移專案;

220007-12-25 23:00PMMPS後臺作業將會取消,IT將會提前安排在2007-12-25 18:00執行MPS請銷售部門的同事注意,2007-12-25的截單時間是18:00PM !!!

1 Reschedule BTC job. Ken Lee
2 Prepare SAN environment; Ken Lee
2.1 Present Vdisk to SAPSRV01; Ken Lee
2.2 Mount as H drive; Ken Lee
3 Tunning backup policy Ken Lee 5 minutes
4 Stop all SAP and SQL service; Ken Lee 10 minutes
5 Copy datafiles and profiles; Ken Lee 395 minutes
5.1 Copy datafiles to SAN; Ken Lee 395 minutes
5.2 Backup profiles; Ken Lee 1 minutes
6 Uninstall last SAP; Ken Lee 10 minutes
6.1 Deattach database; Ken Lee 1 minutes
6.2 Uninstall last SAP; Ken Lee 10 minutes
7 System copy; Ken Lee
7.1 Attach database PRD; Ken Lee 5 minutes
7.2 Install new SAP; Ken Lee 30 minutes
7.3 Tunning parameter; Ken Lee 5 minutes
7.4 Apply SAP license; Ken Lee 5 minutes
8 Test and resume normal SAP service; Ken Lee 5 minutes
9 Tunning backup policy; Ken Lee 10 minutes


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/167898/viewspace-995728/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
