

1. User create Quotation for a FG using MTO scenario, the dependent requirement for all component in the FG's BOM is also MTO using the quotation's number as account assignment. [standard function]

2. User create Sales Order with reference to the Quotation, which originally bring the Quotation's FG to the SO, which is still using the quotation's number as account assignment. [standard function]

3 (key point). Then user can change the copied sales order item to another FG (which share most of the same BOM as the FG in the quotation) or change the whole sales order to another customer

4 (key point). We expect the account assignment in Sales order item will retain as the "quotation's number".

5. If ok, the dependent requirement for all component in the Sales order's FG will be the same the Quotation's FG as they share the same account assignment.



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7941665/viewspace-1000501/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
