Export Parameter : Compress


Specifies how Export and Import manage the initial extent for table data.

The default,COMPRESS=y, causes Export to flag table data for consolidation into one initial extent upon Import. If extent sizes are large (for example, because of thPCTINCREASE parameter), the allocated space will be larger than the space required to hold the data.

If you specifyCOMPRESS=n, Export uses the current storage parameters, includin the values of initial extent size and next extent size. The values of the parameters may be the values specified in theCREATE TABLE orALTER TABLE statements othe values modified by the database system. For example, theNEXT extent size value may be modified if the table grows and if thePCTINCREASE parameter is

Note:you can specify theCOMPRESS parameter only when you
export, not when you import. The Export utility, not the Import
utility, generates the data definitions, including the storage
parameter definitions. Therefore, if you specifyCOMPRESS=y when
you export, you can import the data in consolidated form only.

LOB data is not compressed. For LOB data, values of initial
extent size and next extent size at the time of export are used.

consolidation : 鞏固, 合併


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