Running Workload Repository Reports Using SQL Scripts

You can view AWR reports by running the following SQL scripts:
■ The awrrpt.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that displays
statistics for a range of snapshot Ids.
■ The awrrpti.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that displays
statistics for a range of snapshot Ids on a specified database and instance.
■ The awrsqrpt.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that displays
statistics of a particular SQL statement for a range of snapshot Ids. Run this report
to inspect or debug the performance of a SQL statement.
■ The awrsqrpi.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that displays
statistics of a particular SQL statement for a range of snapshot Ids on a specified
database and instance. Run this report to inspect or debug the performance of a
SQL statement on a specific database and instance.
■ The awrddrpt.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that compares
detailed performance attributes and configuration settings between two selected
time periods.
■ The awrddrpi.sql SQL script generates an HTML or text report that compares
detailed performance attributes and configuration settings between two selected
time periods on a specific database and instance.[@more@]

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