以下內容摘自logzgh blog
今天碰到一個tc 型別的enqueue鎖。以前沒見過,後來上metalink一查發現是tablespace checkpoint的意思。
AF :
"This enqueue is used to serialize access to an advisor task"
AS :
"Synchronizes new service activation"
CT :
"A general class of locks used by change tracking for
various purposes"
DP :
"Synchronizes access to LDAP parameters"
FU :
"This enqueue is used to serialize the capture of the DB Feature Usage and High Water Mark Statistics"
IT :
"This enqueue is used for making temp table meta-data pinning, recreation code for slave on other instance atomic so that deadlock won't happen."
JS :
"Synchronizes accesses to the job cache"
MW :
"This enqueue is used to serialize the calibration of the
manageability schedules with the Maintenance Window "
RO :
"Coordinates flushing of multiple objects"
RS :
"Lock held by a space reclaimable operation to allow other operations to wait for it"
TB :
"Synchronizes writes to the SQL Tuning Base Existence Cache"
TL :
"Serializes threshold log table read and update"
TQ :
"Synchronizes access to queue table"
WF :
"This enqueue is used to serialize the flushing of snapshots"
WP :
"This enqueue handles concurrency between purging and baselines"
TC :
"Lock held to guarantee uniqueness of a tablespace checkpoint"
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/112417/viewspace-926941/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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