linux x86_64下安裝完oracle,db console居然4分鐘左右就自動終止了
linux x86_64下安裝完oracle,db console居然4分鐘左右就自動終止了,再啟動,還是4分鐘左右終止。
Thread-4105169824 WARN upload: FxferSend: received fatal error in header from repository:
FATAL_ERROR::500|Invalid UTF8 encoding.
Thread-4105169824 ERROR upload: number of fatal error exceeds the limit 3
Thread-4105169824 ERROR upload: agent will shutdown now
Thread-4105169824 ERROR : Signalled to Exit with status 55
Thread-4133873328 ERROR main: EMAgent abnormal terminating
metalink doc id:387832.1
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