drop shipment(製造商)直運銷售 也稱為三角貿易


One friend asked me one question, what's the meaning of "drop shipment",then I found the answer as follows:

“We are having some business websites having about 9000 hits every day.Situated in business in USA..We are interested in your products.so can you do drop shipment for us,means direct shipment for the customer in USA from your factory .

What are your shipping lines ,have you done drop shipping before?

Please send your products' rates and images in well oriented manner and with Shipping detail.”------From a client

Definition: An arrangement whereby a mail-order or Internet merchant accepts orders for products, and then pays a manufacturer or distributor to ship the product to the customer.

其實你的那個客戶是經銷商, 買了產品再賣給他的使用者,他這樣要求直接把貨送到使用者那裡,目的是減少1趟運輸費用啦!

是指直接交運, 在美國指批發商向製造商採購貨物,但約定貨物無須經批發商轉運,而又製造商直接運交批發商所指定的零售商的運送方式

Drop shipment means that the merchandise would be shipped from your factory (of course after you receive payment and shipping cost) and there would be an agreement not to contact my customer inorder to conduct future business and profit.


drop ship order--if something is drop shipped it usually means the seller don't have the items, that they will instruct the supplier to ship directly to the buyer也就是說當賣方手中沒有買方所需貨物時,賣方會向供貨商下定單,由供貨商直接提供貨物給買方. drop shipment(直接發運). 透過在不處理、不入庫或不交付的情況下銷售產品來完成銷售訂單的方法。銷售公司從供應商處購買產品,然後請供應商直接將產品發運至客戶。

可以參考:drop shipment----(製造商)直運銷售
製造商)直運銷售是一個傳統的銷售方式: 製造商(或者批發商)直接將貨物以轉售方(包括髮行人,零售商或者中間商)的名義運送給最終消費者客戶.傳統的直運銷售包括三方:製造商,零售商,和消費者客戶;兩份合同:製造商與零售商,零售商與消費者客戶;但是隻有一次貨物運輸:製造商直接發貨給最終消費者.

約定所有的包裝和說明都必須使用他指定的材料,印刷和文字等等. 所以在上面的操作方式中,生產者作為"DropShippper直運人",不是要繞過國內任何人,而是要考慮以下問題: 1.貨物是否符合直運銷售模式?某些產品是不適合郵寄的方式來寄送的,如貴重物品,易碎物品,易腐物品,危險物品,對方國家禁運物品等等 2.如何報價?在國外,直運銷售的模式非常普通,並非新興事物.任何人都可以從專業的"DropShippper直運人(包括製造商或者批發商)那裡得到詳細的Dropshipment的目錄或者詳細的產品電子資料(包括產品圖片,描述,單價等等),所以任何人都可以非常方便的用印刷目錄或者線上網站開展DropShipment直運銷售工作.但是對於,生產者的公司來講,存在著這方面的報價和資料準備問題,如何給出適合的價格?而且這個價格要考慮利潤,運費,包裝等等問題. 3.作為dropshipment(製造商)直運銷售的銷售方式通常只在本國發生,不太有跨境銷售,即時跨境銷售也通常存在與一個經濟或者地區的共同體內,因為貨物的出口報關和進口報關工作是一項繁瑣的工作.即使現在有強大的快遞公司如DHL,FedEx,UPS等提供物流支援,但是對於,生產者的公司來講還是存在[如何控制運費成本,如何保證貨物出口和進口報關順利,如何支付貨物進口稅收]等等一系列問題. 4.貨款的收受問題,對於小額的直運銷售方式,頻繁的貨物出口會造成貨款收受的頻繁,如果快速安全的接受客戶的匯款並做外匯核銷也是個問題.


company A: buyer in China
company B: seller in China
company C: seller in UK (producer)
(relationship between B & C: branch companies, ie. two independant companies which belong to one multinational organisation)

A would like to buy cargo D from B in China, but B can't provide D at the moment for several reasons (lack of stock, or is not allowed to have production chain in China, etc...) so B has to turn to C for help and askes C to provide the cargo.
But A doesn't want to buy cargo from C directly due to some reasons (Customs delcaration etc...) So the solution is: A places an order to B, and B places an internal order to C, then C delivers the cargo to A; and the payment procedure is the same: A pays B, and B pays C.
So, under this situation, this shipmenet is called drop shipment, thus the order is named as drop ship order.

drop shipment
Drop shipment or drop shipping is a type of retailing where the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead passes the customer's order and shipment details to the wholesaler, who then dispatches the goods to the customer directly. The retailer makes their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price.


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