Oracle Appliactions 11i concepts(九) - High Avaliablility(1)


1. Instroduction
- Patching Hints and Tips
- Maintenance Mode
- Shared APPL_TOP and Shared Application Tier File System
- Staged APPL_TOP
- NOLOGGING in the Applications Database
- Distributed AD
- Disaster Recovery best practices

2. Patching Hints and Tips
以下幾中方法,可以使DOWNTIME 最到最少:
- Schedule periodic downtime for application of the latest maintenance packs or family packs
- Keep AD up-to-date
- Keep your test system current with your production system
- Consolidate multiple patches with AD Merge patch
- Use a shared APPL_TOP and shared application tier file system
- Use a staged APPL_TOP
- Use the Distributed AD feature
- Perform maintenance during normal operation where possible

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
