First blog for Technology Of my own ,new world rules coming up next~


My first blog ,and also the first blog used for technology developing my level of english and most important is skills of software which being relayed on living things ,hoping more and more people who had the same goal as me that is challenging ourselves ,and holding the software business all my life due to the belief which i always expected do ~

in the past four months i have already learned C ,language for programming ,and SQL ,select query language made by microsoft ,and one kinds of java -----J2SE ,including normally basic knowledges and swing ,JDBC,finally i had learned HTML,instead of it was DreamWaever 8.

I had already passed the exam of computer ,which one promulgated by part of information industry .programmer attestation.

expecting more ,gaining more,paying more,just do it ,i must do my best to look on it,become a programmer

[@more@]not mention

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