latch free 中 cache buffer chain 的整理

  • 在data buffer中,所有的塊都在一個hash table 的 link list 中。每一個 hash chain 都由一個single child latch 保護著。一個latch必須要得到該latch 才能夠掃描該 hash chain 以保證該hash chain 上的blocks 不被修改
  • 引發 cache buffer chain latch 的競爭的原因大概由如下原因:
    1. buffer chain 太長了: 太長的意義是指:lots of blocks all hashing to the same list (eg: having hundreds of consistent
    read versions of the same block and having hundreds of blocks on a list can add up) 增加 DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES 引數
    2. 有havey access to the same block : 調整SQL
  • 如果我們執行以下查詢:select count(*) from v$latch_children where name = 'cache buffers chains'; 我們就能夠得到當前我們buffer cache中存在 hash chain 的個數。 這個數字要根據buffer cache 的大小而定,buffer越大,hash chain就越多,hash chain越多,關於這個latch 的競爭就越少
  • db_block_lru_latches and cache buffers chains are different beasts. db_block_lru_latches is normally used in conjunction with multiple buffer pools or multiple dbwr's. cache buffers chains are latches to the individual, hashed lists of buffered blocks. they are separate. db_block_lru_latches 一般用在多個buffer pools 或者 多個DBWR 程式間的;


  1. 執行如下sql,檢視有多少session 正在處在cache buffer chain 等待:
    select a.sid,a.SEQ#,a.SECONDS_IN_WAIT,b.NAME,b.GETS,b.MISSES,b.SLEEPS
    from v$session_wait a ,v$latch b
    where a.EVENT='latch free' and a.p2=b.LATCH#
  2. 執行如下sql,確定sleeps 次數最多的 session
    select CHILD# "cCHILD"
    , ADDR "sADDR"
    , GETS "sGETS"
    from v$latch_children
    where name = 'cache buffers chains'
    order by 5, 1, 2, 3;
  3. 執行如下sql,得到引發 cache buffers chains 等待得熱塊:
    SELECT owner, segment_name,a.segment_type,a.file_id,b.dbablk,
    decode(b.state, 0, 'FREE', /* not currently is use */
    1, 'XCUR', /* held exclusive by this instance */
    2, 'SCUR', /* held shared by this instance */
    3, 'CR', /* only valid for consistent read */
    4, 'READ', /* is being read from disk */
    5, 'MREC', /* in media recovery mode */
    6, 'IREC') state,/* in instance(crash) recovery mode */
    decode (b.flag, 1, 'buffer dirty' ,
    2, 'about to modify; try not to start io' ,
    4, 'modification started, no new writes',
    8, 'block logged' ,
    16, 'temporary data - no redo for changes',
    32, 'being written; cant modify',
    64, 'waiting for write to finish',
    128, 'checkpoint asap',
    256, 'recovery reading, do not reuse, being read',
    512, 'unlink from lock element - make non-current',
    1024, 'write block & stop using for lock down grade',
    2048, 'write block for cross instance call',
    4096, 'reading from disk into KCBBHCR buffer',
    8192, 'has been gotten in current mode',
    16384, 'stale - unused CR buf made from current',
    32768, 'Direct Access to buffer contents',
    131072, 'Hash chain Dump used in debug print routine',
    524288, 'sequential scan only flag',
    1048576, 'Set to indicate a buffer that is NEW',
    2097152, 're-write if being written (sort)',
    4194304, 'buffer is "logically" flushed',flag) flag
    FROM DBA_EXTENTS a , x$bh b
    WHERE a.file_id = b.file# and b.hladdr in ('C000000005EB8468', 'C000000005F3A8C8', 'C000000005D0C148')
    AND b.dbablk between a.block_id AND a.block_id + a.blocks - 1;
  4. 檢視第三步生產的結果
    If, you see unique block#s, then contention is at the hash bucket's chain level (a). If the same block# appears, then the block is receiving high-traffic (b).
    if a) --&gt increase _db_block_hash_buckets (i put it on 4096)
    else if b) --&gt increase freelists/initrans, etc (depending on the type of lock , insert, update, etc). Locally managed Tablespaces. View querys, etc
  5. High waits on the cache buffers chains latch can happen if your db_block_lru_latches setting is too low. The default value is CPU_COUNT/2 in Oracle8i, but a good value to try is CPU_COUNT * 2. The db_block_lru_latches parameter is hidden in Oracle9i and defaults to _CPU_COUNT * 2.



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