Analog Devices

中午吃飯的時候,看到對面妹妹的吊牌帶子上有非常醒目的公司LOGO標誌(Analog Devices),飯後回來趕緊搜了一把,搜到如下的資訊。[@more@]Corporate Profile Analog Devices, Inc. (NYSE: ADI) defines innovation and excellence in signal processing. ADI's analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing (DSP) integrated circuits (IC) play a fundamental role in converting, conditioning, and processing real-world phenomena such as light, sound, temperature, motion, and pressure into electrical signals to be used in a wide array of electronic equipment. The Market Trends and ADI's Core Competencies Are Converging As the digital revolution continues, moving to higher speeds and multimedia and changing the way we communicate, play, work, and travel, the technology created by ADI is ever more in demand. Increasingly, ADI is the company behind the most sought after features in virtually every type of electronic equipment. In today's automobiles, digital still cameras, LCD and plasma televisions, cellular handsets, medical imaging devices, and factory automation equipment, ADI's ICs enable continuous connections, more vibrant pictures, clearer sound, and increased portability. ADI's core analog and DSP technology is quite literally everywhere. ADI's Unique Value to Customers Dedication to our customers has become synonymous with the name Analog Devices. At ADI, we believe that our people are not only our greatest asset, but also a great asset for our customers. Our employees relish the opportunity to delve into and solve challenging technical problems, and our customers rely on ADI's exceptional engineering talent as they design and produce their own products. ADI's engineers continually push the technological edge, adding to and supporting our diverse product portfolio to meet our customers' broad spectrum of high-performance signal processing needs. We also innovate to reduce our customers' overall system costs. We define innovation as a solution that helps make our customers' products successful. We commit a significant percent of our profits to engineering and customer service, to foster the development of signal processing technology our customers can use to design products that stand out against competitors', with features that enhance the user experience. The value customers place on our signal processing innovations is represented in the high profits ADI earns. These profits are reinvested into engineering and customer service, allowing the cycle of innovation to continue. A Distinctive History Over four decades, our employees, with their insight, tenacity, and competitive spirit, have built one of the premier technology companies in the world. We continue to deliver innovative solutions to our customers, which continue to produce profit margins that are amongst the highest in the industry, averaging 14% net income as a percent of sales since our founding in 1965. Very few companies can generate such results in any single year and even fewer can claim such outstanding results over the entire lifespan of the company. A Bright Future Despite our great history, we are confident that the best years for our company lie before us. We will continue to build upon ADI's traditions of innovation, performance, and excellence to forge ahead and to conquer new technological frontiers. We invite each of you, whether you are a shareholder, a customer or one of our talented employees, to join us on our exciting journey.

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