Fedora Core 5釋出
Fedora Core 5釋出[@more@]經過長時間的測試,原定於3月16日釋出的Fedora core 5於3月20日釋出,代號為Bordeaux。
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Fedora Project wrote:
Hi, my name is Fedora Core "Bordeaux", and today I am 5.
I'd like to offer congrats and thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this release possible -- the community contributors, all of the developers who worked tirelessly, the docs and translation teams, the marketing and ambassadors folks who help spread Fedora to the masses, the testing community, and everyone else who is involved. It's a great release, and I hope that everyone involved is proud of what we've accomplished. For those of you who don't yet know me, let me introduce myself. I've been with Red Hat for about a year and a half, and over the course of the last month I've transitioned from an engineering and quality assurance job into a new role as Red Hat's Fedora Project Leader. My job is to represent the Fedora Project within Red Hat, to work with all of the leaders within the Fedora Project (the leaders within the community as well as inside of the Red Hat fenceline), and to set priorities and direction at the level of engineering, budget, testing, branding, marketing, and community building. I've been getting to know people in those various sub-sets of Fedora, but today's release seemed like a great time to make an official introduction via email, and I will be at FUDCon Boston on April 7th, and I hope to have a chance to meet with and speak to lots of members of the Fedora community there. Enjoy fc5. Congratulations again to everyone who was involved. --Max
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Fedora Project wrote:
Hi, my name is Fedora Core "Bordeaux", and today I am 5.
I'd like to offer congrats and thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this release possible -- the community contributors, all of the developers who worked tirelessly, the docs and translation teams, the marketing and ambassadors folks who help spread Fedora to the masses, the testing community, and everyone else who is involved. It's a great release, and I hope that everyone involved is proud of what we've accomplished. For those of you who don't yet know me, let me introduce myself. I've been with Red Hat for about a year and a half, and over the course of the last month I've transitioned from an engineering and quality assurance job into a new role as Red Hat's Fedora Project Leader. My job is to represent the Fedora Project within Red Hat, to work with all of the leaders within the Fedora Project (the leaders within the community as well as inside of the Red Hat fenceline), and to set priorities and direction at the level of engineering, budget, testing, branding, marketing, and community building. I've been getting to know people in those various sub-sets of Fedora, but today's release seemed like a great time to make an official introduction via email, and I will be at FUDCon Boston on April 7th, and I hope to have a chance to meet with and speak to lots of members of the Fedora community there. Enjoy fc5. Congratulations again to everyone who was involved. --Max
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