SCO UNIX下的反刪除(undelete)(轉)

SCO UNIX下的反刪除(undelete)(轉)[@more@]SCO OpenServer支援Versioning Filesystems(undelete),但是預設卻沒有開啟此項功能,下面是具體細節:
1) scoadmin中選擇Hardware/Kernel Manager,選擇Filesystem configuration,
2) 重新編譯(Relink)核心;
3) 重新啟動伺服器;
4) 啟用Undelete,針對需要設定undelete的目錄(例如:/u/data)
undelete -s /u/data
5) 為了察看Versioned情況,設定以下環境變數:
6) 用檔案察看命令察看Versioned的檔案,可以根據需要恢復刪除或覆蓋的檔案。

undelete supports the following options:
If the -l, -p, -s, -u and -v options are not specified, undelete recovers the specified files.

print a listing of all versions of the specified file(s)
purge (permanently delete) specified source file(s)
turn the version attribute on for the specified directories and its subsequent child directories
turn the version attribute off for the specified directories
force the specified file(s) to be versioned
The following additional options are recognized:
normally, if the specified file is a directory, undelete will operate on the files contained in that directory. If this option is specified, undelete operates on the directory itself.

NOTE: undelete does not work on directories that are mounted.

undelete will prompt for confirmation prior to recovering a file that will overwrite the current version of the file. A y answer means that the undeletion should proceed. Any other answer prevents undelete from undeleting the file.
undelete will recover the file(s) without prompting even if it is overwriting over an existing current version of the file. This option overrides the -i option. Note that this is the default if the standard input is not a terminal.
undelete will operate recursively on any directories in the argument list. Symbolic links that are encountered with this option will not be traversed.
-m [+-]days
undelete will only consider files that were deleted less than ( - ), greater than ( + ) or exactly (neither - nor + ) days ago.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
