




  Following are some sentences that show the usage of terms associated with project management:

  ► The CEO wants us to clearly define and present our project proposal to her before the next board meeting.

  ► Make sure that the timeframe for executing this project is realistic and achievable. The requirements must be submitted to me by next Tuesday.

  ► Ladies and gentlemen of the Board. Getting that critical injection of cash at the 11th hour was a major milestone.

  ► Do we have enough timber on hand? I want to make sure we don’t run short.

  ► Your template is not fully integrated. It needs a little tweaking.

  ► Are we ready to execute this project?

  ► Bob, who’s the best person in the department to manage the workflow on this project? We need to make sure that all tasks are covered.

  ► I don’t like what I’m seeing in the latest figures. Bring in the reporting analyst. I want him to explain why our performance has gone down.

  ► We discovered some holes in our procurement process when we reassessed the project. Let’s patch things up.




  ► 執行長希望我們在下次董事會議前就我們的專案計劃給出一個明確的定義並呈報給她。

  ► 你們要保證完成這個計劃的進度是現實的、可以達到的。有關要求必須在下週二之前交 給我。

  ► 各位董事,十一點時注入的那筆資金至關重要,這可以說是我們的一個里程碑.

  ► 我們手上有足夠的木材嗎?我想確保我們不會短缺。

  ► 你的模型並沒有完全整合,它需要稍微加調整。

  ► 我們可以實施這個專案了嗎?

  ► Bob,誰是這個部門裡管理工作流程的的最佳人選?我們必須確保所有的任務都已安排好了。

  ► 我非常不滿意這些最新資料。把報告分析師叫進來,我要他解釋為什麼我們的業績變差了。

  ► 在對專案進行再評估時,我們發現採購程式上有一些漏洞。讓我們把它補上。


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