8、orainstRoot.sh和 oraInst.loc
while installing the Oracle 10g database on a UNIX platform,you are prompted to run the scirpt file orainstRoot.sh ,which creates another file orainst.loc[@more@]
oraInst.loc file is used to find the inventory location when Oracle Universal Installer startup.It is not used by Oracle Universal Installer to store the home directory and base directory locations.No particular file stores the home directory and base directory.These are specified by environment variables.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/248644/viewspace-930034/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- orainstRoot.sh 解釋AI
- /etc/oraInst.loc的作用AI
- 關於oracle的orainstRoot.sh解析(原)OracleAI
- 執行 orainstRoot.sh 與 root.sh 作用AI
- 執行orainstRoot.sh 與 root.sh 的作用AI
- 【指令碼】UNIX平臺orainstRoot.sh指令碼作用指令碼AI
- opatch報錯:The oraInst.loc file specified is not validAI
- opatch lsinventory 報oraInst.loc檔案不存在AI
- oracle 817 ,9i /etc/oratab,/etc/oraInst.locOracleAI
- opatch lsinventory 報指定的oraInst.loc 檔案無效AI
- OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central InventoryAI
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