Basic LINUX/UNIX Commands(轉)

Basic LINUX/UNIX Commands(轉)[@more@]startx (start X-windows)
exit (to exit completely once you have exit the windows system)
ls (lists the files of the current directory or other directories)
cd (change directory to home directory)
e.g. If your home directory is /u/ugrad/mikep and you execute the command cd from another directory
in the system, you'll be returned to /u/ugrad/mikep
cd directory-name (change directory to directory-name)
mkdir directory-name (creates an new directory with name directory-name)
e.g. mkdir work (create directory with name work)
cd work (change directory to work)
mv file1 file2 (move file1 to file2, same as rename)
e.g. mv file1 cs111 (move file1 to subdirectory cs111)
rm file1 (remove file1, be careful: once removed, is removed)
rm -i file1 (remove file, but it will ask for confirmation)
whois gives information about a domain.
e.g. whois
whoami(display username)
whereis command-name (returns the path of command-name)
man command-name (prints how command-name works)
hostname (prints the hostname)
cp file1 file2 (copies file1 to file2)
pwd (prints the working directory, i.e. "where we are")
pico prog1.c (use the pico text editor to modify prog1.c; emacs, and vi can be used also)
gcc prog1.c (compile prog1.c, the executable is a.out),
cc instead of
gcc should also work.
gcc -o prog1 prog1.c (same as above but the name of the executable is prog1) ./
prog1 (run prog1; it should be used when just the name of the executable is not enough)

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
