PHP & Java(3) (轉)
Example 2: Using Xalan 1.2 to trano with T
As another example of accessing s in , we will use the Xalan-java XSLT engine from the XML project. With this application, we can transform XML files using instructions in a XSL file. This allows for a great number of interesting scenariin the field of document processing and content management.
To get started, we need to place both xerces.jar and xalan.jar files (included in Xalan-Java version 1.2 from in your java.class.path, as defined in your php.ini file.
The function xslt_transform() takes XML and XSL files as parameters and returns the transformed output in a string. XML and XSL parameters can be filenames (eg. foo.xml) or fully resolved URI's (eg. ).
function xslt_transform($xml,$xsl) {
// Create a XSLTProcessorFactory object. XSLTProcessorfactory is a Java
// class which manufactures the processor for perfong transformations.
$XSLTProcessorFactory = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessorFactory");
// Use the XSLTProcessorFactory method getProcessor() to create a
// new XSLTProcessor object.
$XSLTProcessor = $XSLTProcessorFactory->getProcessor();
// Use XSLTInputSource objects to prov input to the XSLTProcessor
// process() method for transformation. Create objects for both the
// xml source as well as the XSL input source. Parameter of
// XSLTInputSource is (in this case) a 'system identifier' (URI) which
// can be an URL or filename. If the system identifier is an URL, it
// must be fully resolved.
$xmlID = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource", $xml);
$stylesheetID = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource", $xsl);
// Create a stringWriter object for the output.
$stringWriter = new java("");
// Create a ResultTarget object for the output with the XSLTResultTarget
// class. Parameter of XSLTResultTarget is (in this case) a 'character
// stream', which is the stringWriter object.
$resultTarget = new java("org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTResultTarget", $stringWriter);
// Process input with the XSLTProcessors' method process(). This
// method uses the XSL stylesheet to transform the XML input, placing
// the result in the result target.
// Use the stringWriters' method toString() to
// return the buffer's current value as a string to get the
// transformed result.
$result = $stringWriter->toString();
?> ?php>
Then, you can call this function as shown in the example below. $xml contains a string with the fully resolved URL of XML file. $xsl contains string with a XSL stylesheet URL containing rules for conversion to generic HTML. $out will contain a string with output, as a result of calling xslt_transform described above. This example parses a XML newsfeed containing the 5 latest articles on You are encouraged to also try other XML feeds and/or XSl stylesheets.
$xml = "";
$xsl = "";
$out = xslt_transform($xml,$xsl);
echo $out;
?> ?php>
If you are processing local files, make sure you use the full path name to pass to the Java class.
$xml = "//htdocs/xml_java/rss_feed.xml";
$xsl = "/web/htdocs/xml_java/rss_html.xsl";
$out = xslt_transform($xml,$xsl);
echo $out;
?> ?php>
Although there are a number of other ways in PHP to achieve the same results, the above example gives you a good idea of the possibilities of accessing Java objects in PHP.
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