怎樣使用ASP實現Ping (轉)
怎樣使用ASP實現Ping (轉)[@more@]
怎樣使用實現 This article presents a simple way to ping an address and get the results of the ping using ASP. The a
was supplied by Bart Silverstein.
First, a .BAT file needs to be created that will be run from the Active Server Page. Let's call this file
DoPing.BAT. It will contain only one statement, which will ping a passed in address. Here is the code
for DoPing.BAT:
ping -a %1 > d:Pubcgi-bin%2.txt
This will, if you can't tell, ping the address passed in as the first command line argument (%1), and
redirect the results to a text file named hy the second command line argument (%2). Now, let's look how we
would call this from an ASP file:
Set FileSys = Server.Create("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FileName = FileSys.GetTempName
Set WSh = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
IP = "" ' or whatever you want to ping
RetCode = WShShell.Run("d:Inetpubcgi-binDoPing.bat " & IP & " " & FileName, 1, True)
if RetCode = 0 Then
'There were no errors
Response.Redirect "PingErrors.htm"
end if
Set TextFile = FileSys.OpenTextFile("d:InetPubcgi-bin" & FileName & ".txt", 1)
TextBuffer = TextFile.ReadAll
For i = 1 to Len(TextBuffer)
If Mid(TextBuffer,i,1) = chr(13) Then
end if
FileSys.DeleteFile "d:Inetpubcgi-bin" & FileName & ".txt"
Before you go hog wild and implement this code or use similar techniques on your site, there are a few
things you should be wary of. From a secutiry standpoint, this is really dangerous, for any time you let
someone run an application on your server there is always the potential that it will come back to haunt
you. One suggestion to lessen the threat: make a separate folder with no script or execute priviledges,
and have your DoPing.bat output its results to that folder.
I hope this article was informative an interesting. Happy Programming!
怎樣使用實現 This article presents a simple way to ping an address and get the results of the ping using ASP. The a
was supplied by Bart Silverstein.
First, a .BAT file needs to be created that will be run from the Active Server Page. Let's call this file
DoPing.BAT. It will contain only one statement, which will ping a passed in address. Here is the code
for DoPing.BAT:
ping -a %1 > d:Pubcgi-bin%2.txt
This will, if you can't tell, ping the address passed in as the first command line argument (%1), and
redirect the results to a text file named hy the second command line argument (%2). Now, let's look how we
would call this from an ASP file:
Set FileSys = Server.Create("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FileName = FileSys.GetTempName
Set WSh = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
IP = "" ' or whatever you want to ping
RetCode = WShShell.Run("d:Inetpubcgi-binDoPing.bat " & IP & " " & FileName, 1, True)
if RetCode = 0 Then
'There were no errors
Response.Redirect "PingErrors.htm"
end if
Set TextFile = FileSys.OpenTextFile("d:InetPubcgi-bin" & FileName & ".txt", 1)
TextBuffer = TextFile.ReadAll
For i = 1 to Len(TextBuffer)
If Mid(TextBuffer,i,1) = chr(13) Then
end if
FileSys.DeleteFile "d:Inetpubcgi-bin" & FileName & ".txt"
Before you go hog wild and implement this code or use similar techniques on your site, there are a few
things you should be wary of. From a secutiry standpoint, this is really dangerous, for any time you let
someone run an application on your server there is always the potential that it will come back to haunt
you. One suggestion to lessen the threat: make a separate folder with no script or execute priviledges,
and have your DoPing.bat output its results to that folder.
I hope this article was informative an interesting. Happy Programming!
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