JAVA基礎:使用Properties類帶來的好處(轉)[@more@]許多開發者抱怨C++不能像Java那樣繫結Properties類。Java的Properties類內在包含一個檔案,該檔案用來讀寫Properties類中的屬性,可以寫成這樣形式:=(例如:ConnectToInternet=Use IE)。
現在介紹C++ Properties檔案的結構。該檔案的每一行可以是下面三種情況中的某一種:
以‘#’ 開始的註釋行
string get_property(strPropertyName):返回指定的屬性(如果指定屬性不存在,則丟擲例外)
set_property(strPropertyName, strPropertyValue):設定給定屬性
stringget_property_comment( strPropertyName):返回屬於指定屬性的註釋(如果指定屬性的註釋不存在,則丟擲例外)
set_property_comment(strPropertyName, strPropertyComment):設定指定屬性的註釋(如果指定屬性的註釋不存在,則丟擲例外)
#include exception>
#include string>
#include sstream>
#include map>
#include vector>
#include fstream>
#include algorithm>
#include functional>
template< class FromCharType, class ToCharType>
inline std::basic_string< ToCharType> convert_string( const std::basic_string< FromCharType> & strSource)
std::basic_string< ToCharType> strDest;
int nSourceLen = strSource.length();
strDest.resize( nSourceLen);
for ( int idxChar = 0; idxChar < nSourceLen; idxChar++)
{ strDest[ idxChar] = ( ToCharType)strSource[ idxChar]; }
return strDest;
// 用於trim_spaces;
template< class CharType>
struct is_char_in_str : public std::binary_function< CharType, std::basic_string< CharType>, bool>
bool operator()( CharType ch, const std::basic_string< CharType> & strSource) const
{ return (strSource.find( ch) != std::basic_string< CharType>::npos); }
template< class CharType>
std::basic_string< CharType> trim_spaces( const std::basic_string< CharType> & strSource)
std::basic_string< CharType> strSpaces; strSpaces += ( CharType)' '; strSpaces += ( CharType)' ';
typedef std::basic_string< CharType> string_type;
itFirst = std::find_if( strSource.begin(), strSource.end(),
std::not1( std::bind2nd( is_char_in_str< CharType>(), strSpaces)));
ritLast = std::find_if( strSource.rbegin(), strSource.rend(),
std::not1( std::bind2nd( is_char_in_str< CharType>(), strSpaces)));
string_type::const_iterator itLast = &*ritLast;
if ( itFirst <= itLast)
if ( itFirst != strSource.end())
return string_type( itFirst, itLast + 1);
return string_type();
// 當讀寫屬性時的例外
class properties_exception : public std::exception
properties_exception( const std::string & str) : m_strDescription( str) {}
const char * what() const { return m_strDescription.c_str(); }
std::string m_strDescription;
// 從檔案中讀寫屬性
template< class CharType>
class file_reader_writer
typedef std::basic_string< CharType> string_type;
// ... needed within the basic_properties!
typedef CharType char_type;
file_reader_writer( const char * strFileName)
: m_bIsDirty( false), m_strFileName( strFileName) { read_properties(); }
~file_reader_writer() { save(); }
void save()
{ write_properties(); }
bool has_property( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
return ( itFound != m_collProperties.end());
const string_type & get_property( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
return itFound->second.m_strValue;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not get property value for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
void set_property( const string_type & strProperty, const string_type & strPropertyValue)
PropertiesCollection::iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strProperty);
if ( itFound == m_collProperties.end())
// 它是一個新的屬性
m_aProperties.push_back( strProperty);
m_collProperties[ strProperty].m_strValue = strPropertyValue;
m_bIsDirty = true;
const string_type & get_property_comment( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
return itFound->second.m_strComment;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not get property comment for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
void set_property_comment( const string_type & strPropertyName, const string_type & strPropertyComment)
PropertiesCollection::iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
itFound->second.m_strComment = strPropertyComment;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not set property comment for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
m_bIsDirty = true;
static const char_type get_delimeter() { return '='; }
static const char_type get_comment() { return '#'; }
void read_properties()
const char DELIMETER = get_delimeter();
const char COMMENT = get_comment();
std::basic_ifstream< char_type> streamIn( m_strFileName.c_str());
string_type strLine;
string_type strComment;
while ( std::getline( streamIn, strLine))
strLine = trim_spaces( strLine);
bool bIsComment = strLine.empty() || ( strLine[ 0] == COMMENT);
if ( bIsComment)
{ strComment += strLine; strComment += ' '; }
int idxDelimeter = strLine.find( DELIMETER);
if ( idxDelimeter != string_type::npos)
string_type strPropertyName = strLine.substr( 0, idxDelimeter);
string_type strPropertyValue = strLine.substr( idxDelimeter + 1);
strPropertyName = trim_spaces( strPropertyName);
strPropertyValue = trim_spaces( strPropertyValue);
std::make_pair( strPropertyName, OneProperty( strPropertyValue, strComment)));
m_aProperties.push_back( strPropertyName);
throw properties_exception(
"While reading from file '" + m_strFileName +
"', we encountered an invalid line: " + convert_string< char_type, char>( strLine));
m_strLastComment = strComment;
void write_properties() const
if ( !m_bIsDirty)
// 無需儲存
const char DELIMETER = get_delimeter();
std::basic_ofstream< char_type> streamOut( m_strFileName.c_str());
itFirst = m_aProperties.begin(), itLast = m_aProperties.end();
while ( itFirst != itLast)
const string_type & strPropertyName = *itFirst;
const OneProperty & property = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName)->second;
write_property_comment( streamOut, property.m_strComment);
string_type strToWrite = strPropertyName;
strToWrite += ' '; strToWrite += DELIMETER; strToWrite += ' ';
streamOut strToWrite << property.m_strValue << std::endl;
write_property_comment( streamOut, m_strLastComment);
m_bIsDirty = false;
void write_property_comment( std::basic_ofstream< char_type> & streamOut, const string_type & strComment) const
const char COMMENT = get_comment();
std::basic_stringstream< char_type> streamComment( strComment);
string_type strLine;
while ( std::getline( streamComment, strLine))
if ( !strLine.empty())
if ( strLine[ 0] == COMMENT)
streamOut << strLine << std::endl;
string_type strPrefix;
strPrefix += COMMENT; strPrefix += ' ';
streamOut << strPrefix << strLine << std::endl;
streamOut << std::endl;
// 我們用來讀寫的檔案
std::string m_strFileName;
mutable bool m_bIsDirty;
struct OneProperty
OneProperty() {}
OneProperty( const string_type & strValue, const string_type & strComment)
: m_strValue( strValue), m_strComment( strComment) {}
string_type m_strValue;
string_type m_strComment;
// 屬性
typedef std::map< string_type, OneProperty> PropertiesCollection;
PropertiesCollection m_collProperties;
// ……確保我們是按同樣的次序儲存屬性
// 讀屬性
typedef std::vector< string_type> PropertiesArray;
PropertiesArray m_aProperties;
// 讀取所有屬性後的註釋
string_type m_strLastComment;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
file_reader_writer< char> rw( "properties.txt");
rw.set_property( "App Path", "C:Program FilesPFSjokExplorer");
rw.set_property_comment( "App Path", "where are we installed?");
rw.set_property( "Version", "");
rw.set_property_comment( "Version", "What's our version?");
rw.set_property( "Run On Startup", "1");
rw.set_property_comment( "Run On Startup", "are we run, when the computer starts?");
rw.set_property( "Automatic Logoff Minutes", "60");
rw.set_property_comment( "Automatic Logoff Minutes", "when should we deconnect from the server?");
rw.set_property( "Connect To Internet", "Use IE");
rw.set_property_comment( "Connect To Internet", "how are we to connect to the Internet?");
std::cout << "This is how we connect to Internet: " << rw.get_property( "Connect To Internet") << std::endl;
return 0;
現在介紹C++ Properties檔案的結構。該檔案的每一行可以是下面三種情況中的某一種:
以‘#’ 開始的註釋行
string get_property(strPropertyName):返回指定的屬性(如果指定屬性不存在,則丟擲例外)
set_property(strPropertyName, strPropertyValue):設定給定屬性
stringget_property_comment( strPropertyName):返回屬於指定屬性的註釋(如果指定屬性的註釋不存在,則丟擲例外)
set_property_comment(strPropertyName, strPropertyComment):設定指定屬性的註釋(如果指定屬性的註釋不存在,則丟擲例外)
#include exception>
#include string>
#include sstream>
#include map>
#include vector>
#include fstream>
#include algorithm>
#include functional>
template< class FromCharType, class ToCharType>
inline std::basic_string< ToCharType> convert_string( const std::basic_string< FromCharType> & strSource)
std::basic_string< ToCharType> strDest;
int nSourceLen = strSource.length();
strDest.resize( nSourceLen);
for ( int idxChar = 0; idxChar < nSourceLen; idxChar++)
{ strDest[ idxChar] = ( ToCharType)strSource[ idxChar]; }
return strDest;
// 用於trim_spaces;
template< class CharType>
struct is_char_in_str : public std::binary_function< CharType, std::basic_string< CharType>, bool>
bool operator()( CharType ch, const std::basic_string< CharType> & strSource) const
{ return (strSource.find( ch) != std::basic_string< CharType>::npos); }
template< class CharType>
std::basic_string< CharType> trim_spaces( const std::basic_string< CharType> & strSource)
std::basic_string< CharType> strSpaces; strSpaces += ( CharType)' '; strSpaces += ( CharType)' ';
typedef std::basic_string< CharType> string_type;
itFirst = std::find_if( strSource.begin(), strSource.end(),
std::not1( std::bind2nd( is_char_in_str< CharType>(), strSpaces)));
ritLast = std::find_if( strSource.rbegin(), strSource.rend(),
std::not1( std::bind2nd( is_char_in_str< CharType>(), strSpaces)));
string_type::const_iterator itLast = &*ritLast;
if ( itFirst <= itLast)
if ( itFirst != strSource.end())
return string_type( itFirst, itLast + 1);
return string_type();
// 當讀寫屬性時的例外
class properties_exception : public std::exception
properties_exception( const std::string & str) : m_strDescription( str) {}
const char * what() const { return m_strDescription.c_str(); }
std::string m_strDescription;
// 從檔案中讀寫屬性
template< class CharType>
class file_reader_writer
typedef std::basic_string< CharType> string_type;
// ... needed within the basic_properties!
typedef CharType char_type;
file_reader_writer( const char * strFileName)
: m_bIsDirty( false), m_strFileName( strFileName) { read_properties(); }
~file_reader_writer() { save(); }
void save()
{ write_properties(); }
bool has_property( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
return ( itFound != m_collProperties.end());
const string_type & get_property( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
return itFound->second.m_strValue;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not get property value for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
void set_property( const string_type & strProperty, const string_type & strPropertyValue)
PropertiesCollection::iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strProperty);
if ( itFound == m_collProperties.end())
// 它是一個新的屬性
m_aProperties.push_back( strProperty);
m_collProperties[ strProperty].m_strValue = strPropertyValue;
m_bIsDirty = true;
const string_type & get_property_comment( const string_type & strPropertyName) const
PropertiesCollection::const_iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
return itFound->second.m_strComment;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not get property comment for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
void set_property_comment( const string_type & strPropertyName, const string_type & strPropertyComment)
PropertiesCollection::iterator itFound = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName);
if ( itFound != m_collProperties.end())
itFound->second.m_strComment = strPropertyComment;
throw properties_exception(
"Cound not set property comment for '" + convert_string< char_type, char>( strPropertyName) +
"', since this property does not exist.");
m_bIsDirty = true;
static const char_type get_delimeter() { return '='; }
static const char_type get_comment() { return '#'; }
void read_properties()
const char DELIMETER = get_delimeter();
const char COMMENT = get_comment();
std::basic_ifstream< char_type> streamIn( m_strFileName.c_str());
string_type strLine;
string_type strComment;
while ( std::getline( streamIn, strLine))
strLine = trim_spaces( strLine);
bool bIsComment = strLine.empty() || ( strLine[ 0] == COMMENT);
if ( bIsComment)
{ strComment += strLine; strComment += ' '; }
int idxDelimeter = strLine.find( DELIMETER);
if ( idxDelimeter != string_type::npos)
string_type strPropertyName = strLine.substr( 0, idxDelimeter);
string_type strPropertyValue = strLine.substr( idxDelimeter + 1);
strPropertyName = trim_spaces( strPropertyName);
strPropertyValue = trim_spaces( strPropertyValue);
std::make_pair( strPropertyName, OneProperty( strPropertyValue, strComment)));
m_aProperties.push_back( strPropertyName);
throw properties_exception(
"While reading from file '" + m_strFileName +
"', we encountered an invalid line: " + convert_string< char_type, char>( strLine));
m_strLastComment = strComment;
void write_properties() const
if ( !m_bIsDirty)
// 無需儲存
const char DELIMETER = get_delimeter();
std::basic_ofstream< char_type> streamOut( m_strFileName.c_str());
itFirst = m_aProperties.begin(), itLast = m_aProperties.end();
while ( itFirst != itLast)
const string_type & strPropertyName = *itFirst;
const OneProperty & property = m_collProperties.find( strPropertyName)->second;
write_property_comment( streamOut, property.m_strComment);
string_type strToWrite = strPropertyName;
strToWrite += ' '; strToWrite += DELIMETER; strToWrite += ' ';
streamOut strToWrite << property.m_strValue << std::endl;
write_property_comment( streamOut, m_strLastComment);
m_bIsDirty = false;
void write_property_comment( std::basic_ofstream< char_type> & streamOut, const string_type & strComment) const
const char COMMENT = get_comment();
std::basic_stringstream< char_type> streamComment( strComment);
string_type strLine;
while ( std::getline( streamComment, strLine))
if ( !strLine.empty())
if ( strLine[ 0] == COMMENT)
streamOut << strLine << std::endl;
string_type strPrefix;
strPrefix += COMMENT; strPrefix += ' ';
streamOut << strPrefix << strLine << std::endl;
streamOut << std::endl;
// 我們用來讀寫的檔案
std::string m_strFileName;
mutable bool m_bIsDirty;
struct OneProperty
OneProperty() {}
OneProperty( const string_type & strValue, const string_type & strComment)
: m_strValue( strValue), m_strComment( strComment) {}
string_type m_strValue;
string_type m_strComment;
// 屬性
typedef std::map< string_type, OneProperty> PropertiesCollection;
PropertiesCollection m_collProperties;
// ……確保我們是按同樣的次序儲存屬性
// 讀屬性
typedef std::vector< string_type> PropertiesArray;
PropertiesArray m_aProperties;
// 讀取所有屬性後的註釋
string_type m_strLastComment;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
file_reader_writer< char> rw( "properties.txt");
rw.set_property( "App Path", "C:Program FilesPFSjokExplorer");
rw.set_property_comment( "App Path", "where are we installed?");
rw.set_property( "Version", "");
rw.set_property_comment( "Version", "What's our version?");
rw.set_property( "Run On Startup", "1");
rw.set_property_comment( "Run On Startup", "are we run, when the computer starts?");
rw.set_property( "Automatic Logoff Minutes", "60");
rw.set_property_comment( "Automatic Logoff Minutes", "when should we deconnect from the server?");
rw.set_property( "Connect To Internet", "Use IE");
rw.set_property_comment( "Connect To Internet", "how are we to connect to the Internet?");
std::cout << "This is how we connect to Internet: " << rw.get_property( "Connect To Internet") << std::endl;
return 0;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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