入門計劃->使用(C++庫)fstream讀寫檔案 (轉)
//awzzz@2002 //計劃->使用(C++庫)fstream讀寫 //APO->using fstream. //accnce project of using fstream.(c++ iostream library) /* Reference: Description fstream class provides a stream interface to read and write data from/to files. The class mantains internally (privately) a pointer to a filebuf in charge of the interaction with the file. This pointer can be obtained/modified by calling member ruf. The file to be processed can be specified as a parameter for the constructor or by calling member open. After a file is processed it can be closed by calling member close. In this case the file stream may be used to open another file. Member is_open can be used to detene wether the stream is currently operating on a file or not. Please refer to parent classes for more details on information mantained by an fstream object. */ //使用(C++庫)fstream讀寫檔案 //simple example #include
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