

   你可以使用ISO檔案在SCO下直接安裝,但必須保證你的機器上已經安裝了光碟機,並且在核心中含有CDROM裝置,即hwconfig -h 列表中有CDROM資訊。接下來你可以透過下面的步驟來處理:

    cd /dev
    mv cd0 cd0.bak
    cd /tmp (此處假定你的cyber.iso放在/tmp目錄中)
    marry -a cyber.iso
    cd /dev
    ln -s /dev/marry/tmp/cyber.iso cd0

    l cd0 顯示結果如下:
    brw-r----- 1 root sys 76, 1 Feb 26 10:45 cd0@

    mv rcd0 rcd0.bak
    mknod rcd0 c 76 1 

    l *cd0 顯示結果如下:
    brw-r----- 1 root sys 76, 1 Feb 26 10:45 cd0@
    crw-r--r-- 1 root sys 76, 1 Feb 26 10:48 rcd0


    cd /dev
    rm cd0 rcd0
    mv cd0.bak cd0
    mv rcd0.bak rcd0;
    marry -d /tmp/cyber.iso



marry -- marriage driver

   The marriage driver allows a regular file to be treated as a device. It does not drive any hardware directly, but it redirects reads and writes on its device to the associated regular file.

   marry(ADM) uses the marriage driver to associate a block special device file with a regular file. The regular file may then be accessed through the block device node created below the /dev/marry directory, or through a character device node.

  swap(ADM) uses marry to allow a regular file to act as a block device for swapping. marry may also be used to allow a regular file to act as a block device for mounting.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10617542/viewspace-960651/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
