Delphi 6 SOAP 原始碼中的BUG修正 (轉)

Delphi 6 SOAP 原始碼中的BUG修正 (轉)[@more@]

6 P 原始碼中的修正

最近我正在用delphi 6 做一個關於SOAP的專案,的時候跟蹤原始碼發現了delphi 6的原始碼中的一些bug :(

在 delphi//soap 目錄下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 中,第438行如下:

procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WString); var   TempDate: TDateTime; begin   FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(DateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);   TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits));  // 注意這行程式碼   DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay); end;

其中了一個XMLDateToStr,下面是該函式的程式碼(在XSBuiltIns.pas 的241行):

function XMLDateToStr(ADate: WideString; AddDigits: = 0): WideString; begin   Result := Copy(ADate, XMLMonthP+ AddDigits, 2) + DateSeparator +             Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos + AddDigits, 2 ) +             DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLYeos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + AddDigits); end;

注意, XMLDateToStr返回的日期格式是 MM-DD-YYYY。例如如果傳過去的引數Adate = '2001-12-08',則XMLDateToStr('2001-12-08', 0)的結果是'12-08-2001'。XMLDateToStr的第二個引數AddDigits是多餘的年代的位數,估計是用來解決千年蟲問題的,對於標準的10位日期格式AddDigits始終是0。


TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits));

以函式XMLDateToStr的返回值作為引數呼叫了StrToDate這個函式, 函式StrToDate的作用是將字串轉化為日期,這個函式的引數應該是一個表示日期的字串,但是日期的字串格式必須符合當前平臺的區域設定,比如我們常用的中文平臺的短日期格式一般是 YYYY-MM-DD,而英文平臺一般是 MM-DD-YYYY,所以如果在中文的平臺上呼叫strToDate()來格式化一個格式為"MM-DD-YYYY"的字串就會產生一個日期格式錯誤異常!!


function StrToDate(const S: string): TDateTime;


Call StrToDate to parse a string that specifies a date. If S does not contain a valid date, StrToDate raises an EConvertError exception.S must consist of two or three numbers, separated by the character defined by the DateSeparator global variable. The order for month, day, and year is detened by the ShortDateFormat global variable--possible combinations are m/d/y, d/m/y, and y/m/d.

過程DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);的最後一行程式碼

DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay);

作用是將TempDate重新解析為FYear, FMonth, FDay三個域,其實可以直接從原來的字串表示的日期中解析出這三個域,所以稍微修改一下就可以解決這個bug。

將delphi/source/soap 目錄下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 檔案中的第433行開始的函式改為

procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); begin   FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits);   try     FYear := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + FAdditionalYearDigits));     FMonth := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLDayPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2 ));     FDay := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLMonthPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2));   except     raise EConvertError.CreateRemt(@SInvalidDate, [Value]);   end; end;


interface uses SysUtils, InvokeRegistry, Synst;  // 加上了 SysConst, 因為資源字串SInvalidDate定義在SysConst.pas中

另外,還是在delphi/source/soap 目錄下面的XSBuiltIns.pas 檔案中,下面這個函式:

// get Small Int Using Digits in value, positive or negative. function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin Result := 0; if Value[1] = '-' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else if Value <> '' then Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end;

很明顯的bug呀!假如引數Value = '' 那麼到 if Value[1]='-' then .. 就出錯了:( 事實上我的程式執行過程中就遇到這個情況,當SOAP透過XML傳遞過來的日期時間中沒有包括時間的毫秒域的時候,就會遇到用一個''呼叫IntFromValue的情況。


// modified by starfish function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin if Value = '' then Result := 0 else if Value[1] = '-' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end;


function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime;

function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime;

function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime;



下面修改後的XSBuiltIns.pas檔案,將其放入 delpi/source/soap/ 目錄下覆蓋原來的檔案並重新編譯所有的SOAP專案即可。

  {*******************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { SOAP Support } { } { Copyright (c) 2001 Borland Software Corporation } { } {*******************************************************} unit XSBuiltIns; interface // SysConst, DateUtils is added by starfish uses SysUtils, InvokeRegistry, SysConst, DateUtils; const SoapTimePrefix = 'T'; XMLDateSeparator = '-'; XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker = '-'; XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker = '+'; XMLTimeSeparator = ':'; XMLMonthPos = 6; XMLDayPos = 9; XMLYearPos = 1; XMLMilSecPos = 10; XMLDefaultYearDigits = 4; XMLDurationStart = 'P'; XMLDurationYear = 'Y'; XMLDurationMonth = 'M'; XMLDurationDay = 'D'; XMLDurationHour = 'H'; XMLDurationMinute = 'M'; XMLDurationSecond = 'S'; resourcestring SInvalidHour = 'Invalid hour: %d'; SInvalidMinute = 'Invalid minute: %d'; SInvalidSecond = 'Invalid second: %d'; SInvalidFractionSecond = 'Invalid second: %f'; SInvalidMillisecond = 'Invalid millisecond: %d'; SInvalidHourOffset = 'Invalid hour offset: %d'; SInvalidDay = 'Invalid day: %d'; SInvalidMonth = 'Invalid month: %d'; SInvalidDuration = 'Invalid Duration String: %s'; type { forward declarations } TXSDuration = class; TXSTime = class; TXSDate = class; TXSDateTime = class; { TXSTime } TXSTime = class(TRemotableXS) private FHour: Word; FMinute: Word; FSecond: Word; FMillisecond: Word; FHourOffset: SmallInt; FMinuteOffset: SmallInt; function BuildHourOffset: WideString; protected function GetAsTime: TDateTime; procedure SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetHour(const Value: Word); procedure SetMinute(const Value: Word); procedure SetSecond(const Value: Word); procedure SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); procedure SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); procedure SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); public function Clone: TXSTime; property Hour: Word read FHour write SetHour default 0; property Minute: Word read FMinute write SetMinute default 0; property Second: Word read FSecond write SetSecond default 0; property Millisecond: Word read FMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0; property HourOffset: SmallInt read FHourOffset write SetHourOffset default 0; property MinuteOffset: SmallInt read FMinuteOffset write SetMinuteOffset; procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override; function NativeToXS: WideString; override; property AsTime: TDateTime read GetAsTime write SetAsTime; end; { TXSDate } TXSDate = class(TRemotableXS) private FAdditionalYearDigits: Word; FMonth: Word; FDay: Word; FYear: Word; FMaxDay: Word; FMaxMonth: Word; FMinDay: Word; FMinMonth: Word; protected function GetAsDate: TDateTime; procedure SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetMonth(const Value: Word); procedure SetDay(const Value: Word); procedure SetYear(const Value: Word); property MaxDay: Word read FMaxDay write FMaxDay; property MaxMonth: Word read FMaxMonth write FMaxMonth; property MinDay: Word read FMinDay write FMinDay; property MinMonth: Word read FMinMonth write FMinMonth; public constructor Create; override; property Month: Word read FMonth write SetMonth default 0; property Day: Word read FDay write SetDay default 0; property Year: Word read FYear write SetYear default 0; function Clone: TXSDate; procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override; function NativeToXS: WideString; override; property AsDate: TDateTime read GetAsDate write SetAsDate; end; { TXSCustomDateTime } TXSCustomDateTime = class(TRemotableXS) private FDateParam: TXSDate; FTimeParam: TXSTime; protected function GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; function GetHour: Word; function GetMinute: Word; function GetSecond: Word; function GetMonth: Word; function GetDay: Word; function GetYear: Word; function GetMillisecond: Word; function GetHourOffset: SmallInt; function GetMinuteOffset: SmallInt; procedure SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetHour(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetMinute(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetSecond(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); virtual; procedure SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); virtual; procedure SetMonth(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetDay(const Value: Word); virtual; procedure SetYear(const Value: Word); virtual; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime; property Hour: Word read GetHour write SetHour default 0; property Minute: Word read GetMinute write SetMinute default 0; property Second: Word read GetSecond write SetSecond default 0; // the following line is added by starfish property Millisecond: Word read GetMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0; property Month: Word read GetMonth write SetMonth default 0; property Day: Word read GetDay write SetDay default 0; property Year: Word read GetYear write SetYear default 0; end; { TXSDateTime } TXSDateTime = class(TXSCustomDateTime) private function ValidValue(Value, Subtract, Min, Max: Integer; var Remainder: Integer): Integer; public function CompareDateTimeParam(const Value1, Value2: TXSDateTime): TXSDuration; public function Clone: TXSDateTime; property Millisecond: Word read GetMillisecond write SetMillisecond default 0; property HourOffset: SmallInt read GetHourOffset write SetHourOffset default 0; property MinuteOffset: SmallInt read GetMinuteOffset write SetMinuteOffset default 0; procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override; function NativeToXS: WideString; override; end; TXSDuration = class(TXSCustomDateTime) private FDecimalSecond: Double; function GetDecimalValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Double; function GetIntegerValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Integer; function GetNumericString(const AParam: string; const AType: String; const Decimals: Boolean = False): WideString; protected procedure SetDecimalSecond(const Value: Double); public constructor Create; override; procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override; function NativeToXS: WideString; override; property DecimalSecond: Double read FDecimalSecond write SetDecimalSecond; end; EXSDateTimeException = class(Exception); { Utility function } function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime; implementation uses SoapConst, ; { exception routines } procedure SoapDateTimeError(const Message: string); local; begin raise EXSDateTimeException.Create(Message); end; procedure SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(const Message: string; const Args: array of const); local; begin SoapDateTimeError(Format(Message,Args)); end; { Utility functions } procedure AddUTCBias(var DateTime: TXSDateTime); var Info: TTimeZoneInformation; Status: DWORD; begin Status := GetTimeZoneInformation(Info); if (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN) or (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then SoapDateTimeError(SInvalidTimeZone); DateTime.HourOffset := Info.Bias div 60; DateTime.MinuteOffset := Info.Bias - (DateTime.HourOffset * 60); end; function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime; begin Result := TXSDateTime.Create; Result.AsDateTime := Value; if CalcLocalBias then AddUTCBias(Result); end; procedure ParseXMLDate(ADate: WideString; var Year, Month, Day: Word); begin Year := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, 4)); Month := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos, 2)); Day := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos, 2)); end; function XMLDateToStr(ADate: WideString; AddDigits: Word = 0): WideString; begin Result := Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos + AddDigits, 2) + DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos + AddDigits, 2 ) + DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + AddDigits); end; { the following code has a bug, modified by starfish // get Small Int Using Digits in value, positive or negative. function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin Result := 0; if Value[1] = '-' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else if Value <> '' then Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end; } // modified by starfish function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin if Value = '' then Result := 0 else if Value[1] = '-' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end; { TXSTime } function TXSTime.Clone: TXSTime; begin Result := TXSTime.Create; Result.Hour := Hour; Result.Minute := Minute; Result.Second := Second; Result.MilliSecond := MilliSecond; Result.HourOffset := HourOffset; Result.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset; end; procedure TXSTime.SetHour(const Value: Word); begin if Value < HoursPerDay then FHour := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHour, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 60 then FMinute := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 60 then FSecond := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidSecond, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 1000 then FMillisecond := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMillisecond, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin if Abs(Value) <= (HoursPerDay div 2) then FHourOffset := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHourOffset, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin if Abs(Value) < 60 then FMinuteOffset := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TempValue: WideString; TempTime: TDateTime; HourOffsetPos: Integer; begin TempValue := StringReplace(Copy(Value, 1, 8), XMLTimeSeparator, TimeSeparator, []); TempTime := StrToTime(TempValue); DecodeTime(TempTime, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond); TempValue := Copy(Value, XMLMilSecPos, 3); Millisecond := IntFromValue(TempValue, 3); HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker, Value); if HourOffsetPos = 0 then HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker, Value); if HourOffsetPos > 0 then begin TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 1, 2); HourOffset := IntFromValue(TempValue, 2); TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 4, 2); if TempValue <> '' then MinuteOffSet := IntFromValue(TempValue,2); end; end; function TXSTime.BuildHourOffset: WideString; var Marker: String; begin if Abs(HourOffset) + MinuteOffset <> 0 then begin if HourOffset > 0 then Marker := XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker else Marker := XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker; Result := IntToStr(Abs(HourOffset)); if Abs(HourOffset) < 10 then Result := '0' + Result; if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 9 then Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset)) else if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 0 then Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + '0' + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset)) else Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + '00'; Result := Marker + Result; end; end; function TXSTime.NativeToXS: WideString; var TempTime: TDateTime; FormatString: string; begin if Hour + Minute + Second = 0 then exit; TempTime := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); // exception thrown if invalid FormatString := Format('hh%snn%sss.zzz', [XMLTimeSeparator, XMLTimeSeparator]); Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempTime) + BuildHourOffset; end; procedure TXSTime.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); begin DecodeTime(Value, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond); end; { the following function has a bug! rewrite by starfish function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime; var TimeString: string; Colon: string; begin Colon := TimeSeparator; TimeString := IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon + IntToStr(Second); Result := StrToTime(TimeString); end; } function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; { TXSDate } constructor TXSDate.Create; begin inherited Create; FMaxMonth := 12; FMinMonth := 1; FMaxDay := 31; FMinDay := 1; end; function TXSDate.Clone: TXSDate; begin Result := TXSDate.Create; Result.Day := Day; Result.Month := Month; Result.Year := Year; end; procedure TXSDate.SetMonth(const Value: Word); begin if (Value <= FMaxMonth) and (Value >= FMinMonth) then FMonth := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMonth, [Value]); end; procedure TXSDate.SetDay(const Value: Word); begin if (Value <= FMaxDay) and (Value >= FMinDay) then // perfomore complete check when all values set FDay := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidDay, [Value]); end; procedure TXSDate.SetYear(const Value: Word); begin FYear := Value end; // the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfish { procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TempDate: TDateTime; begin FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits); TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits)); DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay); end; } procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); begin FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits); try FYear := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + FAdditionalYearDigits)); FMonth := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLDayPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2 )); FDay := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLMonthPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2)); except raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidDate, [Value]); end; end; function TXSDate.NativeToXS: WideString; var TempDate: TDateTime; FormatString: string; begin if Year + Month + Day = 0 then exit; TempDate := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); // exception thrown if invalid FormatString := Format('yyyy%smm%sdd', [XMLDateSeparator, XMLDateSeparator]); Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempDate); end; { the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfish function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime; var DateString: string; Slash: string; begin Slash := DateSeparator; DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year); Result := StrToDate(DateString); end; } function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); end; procedure TXSDate.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); begin DecodeDate(Value, FYear, FMonth, FDay); end; { TXSCustomDateTime } constructor TXSCustomDateTime.Create; begin Inherited Create; FDateParam := TXSDate.Create; FTimeParam := TXSTime.Create; end; destructor TXSCustomDateTime.Destroy; begin FDateParam.Free; FTimeParam.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHour: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Hour; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinute: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Minute; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetSecond: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Second; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMilliSecond: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.MilliSecond; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHourOffset: SmallInt; begin Result := FTimeParam.HourOffset; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinuteOffset: SmallInt; begin Result := FTimeParam.MinuteOffset; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMonth: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Month; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetDay: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Day; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetYear: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Year; end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHour(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetHour(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetMinute(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetSecond(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetMillisecond(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin FTimeParam.SetHourOffset(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin FTimeParam.SetMinuteOffset(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMonth(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetMonth(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetDay(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetDay(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetYear(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetYear(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); begin FDateParam.AsDate := Value; FTimeParam.AsTime := Value; end; { the following code has a bug, modified by starfish function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; var DateString: string; Slash: string; Colon: string; begin Slash := DateSeparator; Colon := TimeSeparator; DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year) + ' ' + IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon + IntToStr(Second); Result := StrToDateTime(DateString); end; } function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDateTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; { TXSDateTime } function TXSDateTime.Clone: TXSDateTime; begin Result := TXSDateTime.Create; Result.FDateParam.Day := Day; Result.FDateParam.Month := Month; Result.FDateParam.Year := Year; Result.FTimeParam.Hour := Hour; Result.FTimeParam.Minute := Minute; Result.FTimeParam.Second := Second; Result.FTimeParam.MilliSecond := MilliSecond; Result.FTimeParam.HourOffset := HourOffset; Result.FTimeParam.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset; end; procedure TXSDateTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TimeString, DateString: WideString; TimePosition: Integer; begin TimePosition := Pos(SoapTimePrefix, Value); if TimePosition > 0 then begin DateString := Copy(Value, 1, TimePosition -1); TimeString := Copy(Value, TimePosition + 1, Length(Value) - TimePosition); FDateParam.XSToNative(DateString); FTimeParam.XSToNative(TimeString); end else FDateParam.XSToNative(Value); end; function TXSDateTime.NativeToXS: WideString; var TimeString: WideString; begin TimeString := FTimeParam.NativeToXS; if TimeString <> '' then Result := FDateParam.NativeToXS + SoapTimePrefix + TimeString else Result := FDateParam.NativeToXS; end; function TXSDateTime.ValidValue(Value, Subtract, Min, Max: Integer; var Remainder: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Value - Subtract; Remainder := 0; if Result < Min then begin Remainder := 1; Inc(Result,Max); end; end; function TXSDateTime.CompareDateTimeParam(const Value1, Value2: TXSDateTime): TXSDuration; var Remainder, Milliseconds, Seconds: Integer; begin Result := TXSDuration.Create; try MilliSeconds := ValidValue(Value1.Millisecond, Value2.Millisecond, 0, 1000, Remainder); Seconds := ValidValue(Value1.Second + Remainder, Value2.Second, 0, 60, Remainder); Result.DecimalSecond := Seconds + Milliseconds / 1000; Result.Minute := ValidValue(Value1.Minute + Remainder, Value2.Minute, 0, 60, Remainder); Result.Hour := ValidValue(Value1.Hour + Remainder, Value2.Hour, 0, 24, Remainder); Result.Day := ValidValue(Value1.Day + Remainder, Value2.Day, 0, 31, Remainder); Result.Month := ValidValue(Value1.Month + Remainder, Value2.Month, 0, 12, Remainder); Result.Year := ValidValue(Value1.Year + Remainder, Value2.Year, -9999, 0, Remainder); except Result.Free; Result := nil; end; end; { TXSDuration } constructor TXSDuration.Create; begin inherited Create; FDateParam.MaxDay := 30; FDateParam.MinDay := 0; FDateParam.MaxMonth := 11; FDateParam.MinMonth := 0; end; procedure TXSDuration.SetDecimalSecond(const Value: Double); begin if Value < 60 then FDecimalSecond := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidFractionSecond, [Value]); end; function TXSDuration.GetNumericString(const AParam: string; const AType: string; const Decimals: Boolean = False): WideString; var I, J: Integer; begin I := Pos(AType, AParam); J := I; while (I > 0) and ((AParam[I-1] in ['0'..'9']) or (Decimals and (AParam[I-1] = '.'))) do Dec(I); if J > I then Result := Copy(AParam, I, J-I) else Result := '0'; end; function TXSDuration.GetIntegerValue(const AParam: string; const AType: string): Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(GetNumericString(AParam, AType)); end; function TXSDuration.GetDecimalValue(const AParam: string; const AType: string): Double; begin Result := StrToFloat(GetNumericString(AParam, AType, True)); end; procedure TXSDuration.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var DateString, TimeString: string; TimePosition: Integer; begin if Value[1] <> XMLDurationStart then SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidDuration, [Value]); TimePosition := Pos(SoapTimePrefix, Value); if TimePosition > 0 then begin TimeString := Copy(Value, TimePosition + 1, Length(Value) - TimePosition); DateString := Copy(Value, 1, TimePosition - 1); end else DateString := Value; Year := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationYear); Month := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationMonth); Day := GetIntegerValue(DateString, XMLDurationDay); if TimePosition > 0 then begin Hour := GetIntegerValue(TimeString, XMLDurationHour); Minute := GetIntegerValue(TimeString, XMLDurationMinute); DecimalSecond := GetDecimalValue(TimeString, XMLDurationSecond); end; end; { format is 'P1Y2M3DT10H30M12.3S' } function TXSDuration.NativeToXS: WideString; begin Result := XMLDurationStart + IntToStr(Year) + XMLDurationYear + IntToStr(Month) + XMLDurationMonth + IntToStr(Day) + XMLDurationDay + SoapTimePrefix + IntToStr(Hour) + XMLDurationHour + IntToStr(Minute) + XMLDurationMinute + FloatToStr(DecimalSecond) + XMLDurationSecond; end; initialization RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDateTime, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'dateTime', '',True ); RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSTime, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'time', '', True ); RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDate, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'date', '', True ); RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TXSDuration, XMLSchemaNameSpace, 'duration', '', True ); finalization RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDateTime); RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSTime); RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDate); RemClassRegistry.UnRegisterXSClass(TXSDuration); end.

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